Chapter 9

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*photo pictures what Amelia looks like*

"Don't talk about her that way," Chad screamed before sending his fist into Jake's nose. The sickening crunch could be heard over the chants and screams of the crowd. I gagged, revolted at the sight in front of me. Jake's nose was slanted towards the left side, undoubtedly broken.

"Why would you care," Jake roared in fury. "You didn't care years before!" He ended his statement by tackling unsuspecting Jerk Jock.

I listened intently to their conversation in between punches. There was a single female that Chad had bullied for

It didn't take Sherlock Holmes to decipher the situation at hand.

Jake had insulted me, so in an effort to defend me Chad decided to use brute force and masculinity.


Jake was, of course, a far-fetched fairytale and not the Prince Charming the girls depicted him to be. Good looks is not always a package deal with charm, I'm afraid.

Chad, however, seems to respect me to an extent. This would be news to me.

Lost in my thoughts, I did not notice the teachers dragging the neanderthals away. Chad was sure to be suspended now, leaving me to handle the tasks assigned.

I went through my classes dreading the moment the final bell rang. This would signal the beginning of torturous community service. Three excruciating hours of picking up other people's filth, without Chad. Usually this would give me reason to rejoice in triumph.

Now, not so much.

Fifth period was drawing to a close when I heard the dreaded bell. Trudging along my path, I headed towards Principal Tuck's office. Before I turned the knob on the door, I faintly heard a conversation.

"Please Mr.Tuck, I can't be suspended," a voice said.

"Chad, unfortunately, there seems to be no other choice," a voice, presumably Mr.Tuck's, replied.

"I need to stay in school. Is there anything else I can do," Chad questioned.

"If you stay out of trouble, attend your community service, and bring your grades up...perhaps we can keep you in school."

"How can I do all that," Chad cried out. "There's no way I can do this on my own."

"Perhaps the girl who's eavesdropping on our conversation will help you," Mr.Tuck remarked. "Amelia, come in."

How could he possibly know I was here?

I slowly twisted the door knob and peered my head through. Mr.Tuck, unamused, gave me a blank look. I offered him a smile, hoping the grin may decrease his harshness. When he did not even flinch, I quickly slid into the seat next to Chad.

"Well Amelia," Mr.Tuck began. "Since you heard most of our conversation, are you willing to help?"

I paused before answering. This possibility allows me to finally treat Chad in the loutish way he treated me. I glanced in Chad's direction. His chocolate eyes were laced with silent pleas, desperate for my help. I found myself leaning towards helping him. He was, after all, in this situation for defending me.

Turning towards Mr.Tuck, I answered.

"I'll help him."

Mr.Tuck's facial expression finally moved into what could be presumed to be a smile. "Excellent," he replied. "Now hurry to your service, you're already ten minutes late."

Chad and I quickly rose from our seats and headed to the disciplinary room for our assignment. We were to collect garbage until we filled two bags each and return with them immediately.

Our city is more dirty than most, filled to the brim with grit and grime. It's no wonder they put the students to work rather than handle it themselves. Loaded with plastic gloves, a multitude of bags, and orange vests, we set off towards the street.

Chad and I worked in silence for the first hour, efficiently picking up plenty of revolting garbage. He was the first to speak.

"Why did you help me?"

I glanced in his direction while putting a water bottle in my bag. "You needed me."

He chuckled. "Well obviously, Miss Salutatorian."

I scolded. "Only second to that obnoxious Jake. If he were to beat me I would sell my soul."

Chad let out a hearty laugh that I enjoyed listening to. "I'm sure you'll catch him, especially since he's busy with the broken nose I have him."

Chad and I chuckled together similar to old friends.


I never would have referred to Chad as a "friend" before. I smiled lightly at the thought of this new, unexpected change.

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