Chapter 7

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I'm sorry but your pantry still needs updating. ~ Jerk Jock

In a rush to hide the note, I shoved it into my front pocket. Caroline is my best friend, but she's known for her excessive gossiping and inability to shut her mouth. If I were to let her see the note, the whole school would know how Jerk Jock started talking to me in a matter of hours.

"Help me grab these bags," I ask her. "I can't do this by myself."

She rolled her eyes and bent over to grab a bag. "Maybe if you were stronger you could."

I laughed her joke off and continued to lug a multitude of bags. Coming back for bags always seems like too much effort. Caroline followed behind me with her own mass of bags. I could tell she was curious to how a Jerk Jock, like Chad, would take time to talk to me. He's obnoxious, loathsome, infuriating, and vexatious*...but he's prepossessing*. That's what makes him talking to me odd. I'm anything but attractive. I'm just a plain, peculiar girl. Even Caroline, my only friend, can see how weird the situation is.

"So," she questions, "How did you and Chad start talking?"

I scoffed. "He got us both detention."

She pressed further. "Well, there has to be more! He just bought you goodies!"

As she said this, she dug into the SweetTarts he had picked out. I wasn't quite sure what they were, but apparently they're important to anyone's diet.

"He's just plotting something to mess with my mind."

"Or," she suggested. "He likes you."

I snorted. "Ha, Carol, you're hilarious."

"No, but seriously," she protested.

"This isn't a crazy love story, " I reasoned with her. "He doesn't like me. I mean look at him and look at me; it doesn't take a genius to figure it out."

"Alright," she conceded.

We continued to eat our weight in the junk food Chad provided. Caroline finally left around 11:30 and I settled into my room. My papers and books were still strewn across my bed, and instead of cleaning them up I shoved them over to the other side of the bed. My history and English homework jumbled together, but I was too tired to care. I'd regret this in the morning, but my eyes slowly closed and pulled me into a deep slumber.

My alarm clock blared a pestering beep as I jolted awake. Scrambling to shut it off, my hand smacked against my desk repeatedly until I finally hit the clock. I grunted and ran a hand through my tangled hair. I definitely needed more sleep than I had last night. The second day in this confusing, twisted week has just begun, including my many community service hours. I had Chad to blame for that.

I rolled out of bed and stayed on the floor for almost 10 minutes before I finally managed to pull myself into a standing position. Mornings were always difficult for me. After standing up, I began my morning routine. Get dressed, eat, brush teeth and hair, figure out how to unfrizz the hair, pack my backpack, and go. My routine gives me something I can count on, unlike the crazy people in my life. Some may call it boring, I call it comfort.

The bus finally showed itself minutes before school started, meaning I'd be late to history. Climbing into the bus sadly, I sat next to someone in the first open space I could find. Lucky for me, it was Jerk Jock himself. How I manage to be cursed by his presence is beyond me.

He sent me a small, sad smile. I glanced at him cautiously. Could it be possible that beneath the layers of arrogance, barbarity, and conceit there could be a heart? It's difficult to imagine the boy who has teased me mercilessly for years to somehow be kind. But his small smile reminds me of his rare instances when he was...sweet. He was the one who provided the food for Carol and I's binge last night. Without making eye contact, I whispered to him.


He shifted as I spoke. I could feel his eyes on me, but I didn't move or glance at him. I felt his hand touch my face and lift it towards his. We were so close and all I could see was him. I could smell his light cologne and mint breath.

"I should be sorry," he answered softly. He took a sharp breath. "I should have never hurt you."

My eyes widened.

"Never," he repeats.

vexatious- causing annoyance or frustration
prepossessing- attractive or appealing in appearance

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