Chapter 6

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My eyes widened as his lips made contact with mine. He was a breath of fresh mint like the feel of your mouth after you've brushed your teeth in the morning. I yanked my lips off his before I could lose myself in the kiss.

Chad looked at me with an odd gaze that I couldn't wrap my head around. What was it about this boy? I scanned his expression quickly. His eyes were clouded with an emotion I had yet to understand while his lips were slightly reddened with a small smile. I didn't know what to do with the boy who stole my first kiss.

It was a while before either of us spoke. I opened my mouth to break the silence when he interrupted.

"I'm sorry."

"Are you Chad," I question. "Because this isn't the first time you've been rude. You are only concerned with your own well-being and let others, including me, handle your inconsiderateness. One minute you seem to be genuine, but you never cease to ruin it with arrogance. Goodbye Chad, enjoy your snacks."

I storm inside with a slam of the door and watch through the peephole for his reaction. He raised his head towards the sky while running a shaky hand through his hair. Turning towards the door with a hand raised, it appeared as though he would knock. I held my breath and waited for the sound, but he turned and left without noise. Letting out the breath I was holding in, I turn and see Caroline gaping at me.

"He kissed you," she exclaimed. "And you turned him down!" She held her head for a moment probably feeling her slight hangover. It doesn't take much for her to be drunk.

"Yeah," I answer. "I did."

She crossed her arms and spoke. "Well that was stupid."

"What," I question, suddenly confused.

"He so obviously likes you," she offers. "That's why I made the double date."

When she reminded me of that, I felt my face go completely pale. After my loud outburst, I still have to face him. Just my luck. I finally have the courage to scold him for all that he's done, and I have to go on a date with him.

"He does not like me, Caroline. He's taunted me for years."

"Boys being jerks is how they flirt," she counters. "It's just how it is."

"It shouldn't be," I mumble.

Caroline doesn't reply, which is odd because she's in love with the sound of her voice. I look up to find her staring out the window with a stunned look. Following her gaze, I see Chad outside carrying the many bags we purchased to the door step. He's placed four or five so far, and is juggling more already. Caroline jumps in front of my view and speaks with a sing-song voice.

"That is a boy who likes you."

I blush before I respond. "He couldn't."

She smirks with a reply. "Tell that to him."

Chad continues to rush back and forth between his car and my door carrying more bags than feasible. His eyebrows were knitted together with concentration, probably focusing on not losing his grip on the bags. I watched in silence until Caroline pulled me away.

"Come on," she said. "You're starting to seem creeper-ish."

She drags me towards the decorous living room and turned on the television. Changing the channel, she put on a silly, foolish cartoon. I attempted to lose myself in the stupidity of most shows in this age, but I couldn't get Chad off my mind. Why was he pleasant one minute but cruel the next?

The bigger question is about my own feelings. I'm affected by him too easily. I must be weak and feeble to be behaving similarly to all the other girls in school. That's another thing. Chad is undoubtedly a player and he must be doing this to hurt me. Caroline is blinded by the love stories she reads. Not everyone gets a happily ever after and a fairytale world. Of all the people in the world, I am most certainly not the one who deserves it.

When we hear a car engine start, we both glance at the door with wide eyes. Taking looks at each other, we walk towards the door. As I pull the door open, I find myself surrounded by piles of junk food. A small note stands in front of the bags. When I bend down to pick it up, I manage to catch a glimpse of Chad leaving.

The note reads:

I'm sorry but your pantry still needs updating. ~ Jerk Jock

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