Chapter 5

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Chad gave me a smirk that put a twinkle in his eyes. He held my phone between two fingers and shook it at me. I noticed that the lock screen was shown and he had changed the background. It now depicted him in the bar winking with a smirk. I rolled my eyes and looked back at him.

"You dropped your phone," he taunted.

I sent him a glare. "What are you doing here?"

"Returning your phone," he answered. "Obviously."

Snatching my phone out of his hand, I mumble a thanks. He flashes me a smile that would melt any girl's heart and weaken their knees. I am determined to remain strong and resist the urge to mess with his wavy, dirty blonde hair. I shook my head and forced myself into focusing.

"Babe," he questioned while interrupting my thoughts. "What's going on in that pretty little head of yours?"

I eyed him suspiciously. "What do you want, Chad?"

He laughed with a grin. "I told you that earlier." He walked deeper into the house. "Where are the snacks?"

"Is that it," I ask. "Did you come here to raid my pantry, leave with all the possible snacks, and return a phone along the way?"

He scoffed and corrected me. "I came here to return your phone and because you're not being a hospitable host I'm stealing food."

I gaped at him while he dug into the pantry. It doesn't have anything particularly good in there as I've been living on microwaveable meals. My parents will buy rather expensive items for themselves, but they'd never buy a thing that I didn't absolutely need, including snacks.

Chad turned to face me with an unpleasant look on his face. "Where are all your snacks?"

"I don't have any," I answer.

"That's stupid," he states. "Come on, we're going out."

I send him my best "what the heck" look and question him. "What do you mean?"

"I'm taking you to Walmart and we are going to update your pantry," he explains while dragging me out the door.

Despite my many protests, he threw me over his shoulder before shoving me inside his car. I crossed my arms and glowered at him when he climbed in. His response was a sickly sweet smile that made my blood boil. How could one boy be so determined to mess with my evening? As he drove towards the nearest Walmart, I couldn't help but admire his looks. The darkest parts of his hair are the color of chocolate but the lighter strands have the tint of sandpaper. His blue eyes were impossible to read as they focused on the road.

"What babe," he questioned. "Are you checking me out?"

"Of cou-rse n-ot," I stamper out. "I was just confirming that you were watching the road."

"Right," he replies with his signature smirk.

I feel my cheeks go crimson and I sink lower into my seat. He parks his car and begins walking towards the Walmart, leaving me to chase after him or be left behind.

"Hurry up," he calls out while taking longer strides for me to attempt to match. He's such a primitive, ill-behaved, infuriating person.

As we walked through the store, I watched as he ran through the junk food aisles taking nearly one of everything. The cart began to fill higher than what should be regulated and threatened to tip over and spill out. The amount of sugars and salts in our cart would send a person into a coma. Chad didn't seem to notice or mind and added more to the pile before leading us to the check out.

The cashier smiled politely. "What's a couple like you doing here so late?"

I glanced at my watch with her comment. 10:43? How had it gotten so late?

"It's movie night ma'am," Chad replied.

"That's adorable," she cooed. "Young love."

I couldn't help but release a guffaw at that. She eyed me, but she didn't say a word. Chad gave me an odd look that I couldn't decipher. What's going on in his arrogant mind?

Chad paid for his monstrous amount of junk food and wheeled the cart back to his car. Grabbing bags together, we crammed every item into the trunk and back seats. It's a mystery to how we fit it all. He grabbed a cookie before jumping back in with me.

"I'm waiting," he hinted.

"For what," I wondered.

"A thank you kiss," he revealed.

I cackled at his suggestion. "Drive, you're not getting one."

He pouted but started driving. Did he really think I'd kiss him? I'm not that desperate.

When he pulled into my driveway, he didn't stop to hand me bags. Instead, he practically ran to the doorstep with me following.

"If I don't get a kiss, there's no snacks for you," he announced.

"Alright," I acknowledge. "I didn't need it anyway."

Obviously upset that it didn't affect me, he opened and closed his mouth wordlessly. I was about to send him away when he swooped down and kissed me.

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