Like her?🖤

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*Josh's Pov*

She comes back out this time smiling. I haven't seen her smile like this in ages.

Mads: I'm going to make some popcorn, you can turn on the movie.

I put on a movie, Mads favorite movie to be exact. After a few minutes, Mads came back in with a bowl of popcorn.

Mads: you remember my favorite movie?
Josh: of course I do.

She plops in the bed and cuddles up next to me. Don't think too much about it Josh, you're just friends nothing more. I mean she does look beautiful- no stop it Josh you can't see her in that way.

We were watching the movie, when there was a knock on the door.

Mads: doesn't Riley have a key?
Josh: yeah, but I doubt that's her.
Mads: well I'll go see who that is.
Josh: no I'll go, you stay here it's your favorite movie remember.
Mads: yeah but this is my apartment.
Josh: Mads I'll get it.
Mads: fine, but wait look.

I look up a the tv, and start laughing right along with Mads, (I don't know what's so funny, pick whatever movie you want I don't really care).

Josh: alright let me go before they start knocking again.

I get up and go to the door and seen Jaden. I immediately stopped laughing and my smile faded.

Why tf is he here? How the hell did he know where Mads lived?

Josh: Jaden, what are you doing here?
Jaden: to warn you. First of all, why are hanging with my ex?
Josh: and what were you just doing?
Jaden: that's different.
Josh: not really.
Jaden: stay away from Mads, or she's going know the truth about what you did to Nessa.

My face drops like I seen a ghost. I know what I did I regret it, but at the same time Nessa did it to me as well, but it doesn't make it right not even a little bit.

Mads: who's at the door?!

I didn't even get to answer because Jaden started talking again.

Jaden: you've been warned.
Josh: you're not going do anything Jaden.

I closed the door and turned around, that's when Mads was coming downstairs.

Mads: who was that?
Josh: nobody, just someone playing ding dong ditch.
Mads: oh ok.

I feel like she knew I was lying, but I couldn't have her know Jaden showed back up. I know that would be the last thing she would want to hear.

Mads: you wanna go finish watching the movie?
Josh: sure.

We went upstairs and the movie isn't even over yet and Mads fell asleep. I turned off the tv and started to get up.

Mads: can you stay here? I don't want to be here by myself.
Josh: are you sure?
Mads: only if you want to.
Josh: yeah, I'll stay.
Mads: thank you.

I lay back down and she cuddles back up to me.

Josh: you're welcome.

She goes back to sleep and I'm just watching her. This is wrong, I shouldn't be doing this. This is Jaden's ex for crying out loud, but I'm tired of putting everyone first just to get hurt at the end.

I ended up falling asleep cuddling Mads.

*The Next Morning*

*Still Josh's Pov*

I wake up still cuddle up to Mads. I'm surprise she's still asleep. I slowly reach for my phone and open Instagram just to see that I'm on tiktokroom again. They assumed Mads and I are dating or whatever and it's because of Riley.

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