Giving Birth🖤

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Jaden and Emma turn around and see Riley and Tiffany standing there with their hands on their hip.

Emma: definitely her daughter...bye.
Sab: you're on your own.

They both walk away quickly.

Jaden: look-
Riley: I don't know why you're here but you need to leave.
Jaden: I just want to talk to your sister.
Tiffany: you need to go.
Jaden: I'll leave when you let me talk to her.
Riley: she's not even here so bye bye now.
Jaden: you don't have to be rude.
Riley: why do you want to talk to her?
Jaden: just want to- you what never mind.
Tiffany: I know you not-
Jaden: I just want to talk to her that's it but she's not here so I'll be leaving.

He walks away from them and goes back to his car. He assumes this is just fate letting him know that he's not suppose to talk to Mads.

Josh: I'm here I'm here.
Bryce: me too.
Mads: and I'm fine I'm fine I'm fine.
Josh: did they find out anything?
Addison: no.
Mads: yeah because they're morons.
Addison: Mads!
Mads: I'm not sorry.

Jones: I'm back.
Mads: with more negative test?
Jones: unfortunately yes but this is Dr. Wilson and he's a general surgeon and maybe he can find out what's wrong.
Mads: mhm
Wilson: we're going run some test on your liver and kidneys to see if the problem is there.
Mads: ok

They walked out and she grabs her phone.

Addison: do you think you'll have the baby early because of this?
Mads: I hope not. Gosh every time something finally goes right something bad happens.
Josh: hey, nothing bad is happening I can promise you that.
Mads: look at you trying to lie to make me feel better.
Josh: I'm not lying nothing bad is happening or going to happen.
Mads: in about ten seconds the doctor is going to come in with bad news.

Ten Seconds later...

Wilson: ok we got the results back.
Mads: told ya.
Josh: you don't even know if it's bad news.
Mads: is it?
Wilson: kinda.
Mads: told ya.
Bryce: let him talk Mads.
Wilson: your liver and kidneys are fine so we don't really know what the problem is. The doctors and I talked to your OB and we really think it's a good idea for you to have the baby today so we can find out the problem.
Mads: no.
Josh: babe-
Mads: absolutely not.
Josh: can you give us a minute?
Wilson: sure take your time.

The doctor walked out and Josh looked at Mads.

Josh: don't you want the pain to stop?
Mads: of course I do but I'm not having my baby at 34 weeks.
Addison: Mads the baby's lungs are basically developed already.
Mads: don't care not happening.
Bryce: Mads-
Mads: no! Not happening...
Josh: may I ask why?
Mads: I don't want to talk about it.
Addison: Mads, I know you're scared but-
Mads: scared? No, I'm not scared.

She raised her eyebrow at Mads.

Mads: ok...I'm scared because the last time I ended up in the hospital I was in a coma for two months-
Josh: technically almost two months.

She gives him a look.

Josh: sorry.
Mads: I missed a lot of stuff when I was in a coma.
Bryce: Mads, you aren't going to slip into a coma this time.
Mads: how are do you know.
Bryce: because they don't even know what's wrong with you.
Mads: yeah, but what if I slip into a coma again who knows what I could miss this time. Like my baby's first steps or her talking, or me having a say on what her name is going to be.
Josh: you won't slip into a coma. I know they won't let that happen.
Addison: let's pick her name now then.
Mads: I don't wanna.
Bryce: I expected y'all to pick a name weeks ago.
Josh: well when someone keeps saying I don't wanna it's very hard to do that.
Mads: not my fault.

The doctor walked back in with three nurses.

Wilson: so?
Mads: what?
Addison: he's wondering if you're going to have the baby Mads.
Mads: oh...yeah even though I don't want too, I'm still going to have her today
Wilson: nope tomorrow. We have to wait eight hours. The nurse is going to give you some medicine that will make you go into labor.
Mads: so basically I'm going to have a c-section?
Wilson: yes.
Mads: well this is just great.
Jones: I'll be back to do regular checks before 7 in the morning.
Mads: ok.

The nurse gives her the medicine then leaves.

Mads: I need sleep.
Addison: is it going to hurt while you're trying to sleep?
Mads: I don't know I never been in labor before.
Bryce: ah and they say I ask stupid questions.
Mads: that's because you do.
Bryce: ok...

*3:52 am*

Jones: how's my favorite patient?
Mads: I know that's false but I'm in pain.
Jones: I know but you have less than 4 hours to go.
Mads: look at them sleeping peacefully and I'm fully awake.
Josh: I'm awake too.
Mads: I told you to get some sleep because you're going to need it.
Josh: if you're not sleeping I'm not sleeping.
Mads: aww that's sweet...can we just do the c-section now?
Jones: I'm sorry we can't. I'll be back in three hours to prep you.

Josh: why don't we talk about some baby names while we wait.
Mads: I don't-
Josh: don't say I don't wanna. It will kill time.
Mads: fine, what do you got?
Josh: how about Martha?
Mads: you're joking right?
Josh: no.
Mads: I love you but you lost your damn mind.
Josh: about Maggie?
Mads: absolutely not.
Josh: Francesca?
Mads: n o noooo.
Josh: ok let's here what you got.
Mads: Sofia?
Josh: not bad. Next?
Mads: Bonnie?
Josh: people are going to think our daughter is a stripper.

Mads: fine, give me a name and I'll give you a name then after the c-section we can decide on those two names.
Josh: ok...Autumn
Mads: that's actually not bad.
Josh: I know.
Mads: mine is Bellamy.
Josh: look at us agreeing.
Mads: I wouldn't say that yet.
Josh: but we were.
Mads: whatever you say pretty boy.

*Three Hours later*

Jones: it's going to go smoothly Mads.
Mads: say you swear.
Jones: I can't.
Mads: exactly.
Jones: I can swear that I won't let you slip into a coma.
Mads: mhm.

Josh came out of the bathroom in scrubs because he can't go in the operating room (OR) with his regular clothes.

Bryce: well hello Nurse Richards.
Josh: fuck off one day you'll probably be wearing this.
Bryce: oh no, no kids for me.
Addison: you say that now.
Bryce: I mean it though.
Mads: ok Bryce.
Addison: we'll be in the waiting room. You don't die on me ok?
Mads: ok.

She gives Mads a kiss on her forehead then walked out with Bryce.

Jones: ready?
Mads: yes and no.

They wheeled her in the OR and got her set up before Josh went in.

Mads: did you make sure to call my mom?
Josh: yeah I called her before I came in.
Mads: really?
Josh: sure.
Mads: Josh?
Josh: I did ok.
Mads: mhm

Five minutes later...

Mads and Josh heard crying which meant their baby was born. November 4, at 7:32am

Mads: I wanna see her.
Jones: let them wash her off first.

They wiped her off and put a hat on her head then wrapped her and handed her to Josh.

Mads: wow.
Josh: I know she's beautiful.
Mads: can't believe I did it.
Josh: I can.

Josh handed the baby back to the nurse so they can monitor her breathing.

Nurse: we're going to take her to the NICU because her breathing is a little shallow.
Mads: Josh go with her.
Josh: are you-
Mads: yes I want you to make sure she's alright.
Josh: ok.

Josh follows two of the nurses out of the room with their baby.

Jones: we have a problem.

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