By your side🖤

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Riley goes back to the waiting room in tears.

Indiana: oh my gosh Riley.
Bryce: is she okay?
Anthony: what did they say?
Riley: she's in a coma and she can't breathe on her own, so they put a tube in her throat.
Bryce: but is she going to be okay?
Riley: they don't know when, or if she's going to wake up.

She sits down next to Avani and put her face in her hands. Avani starts rubbing her back.

Avani: she's going be okay. She will wake up I know it.
Steve: visiting hours are over. Your mom is staying with Mads tonight we'll be back later.
Bryce: are we allow to see her?
Steve: later.
Amy: can we see her too?
Riley: I'm going act like you didn't just ask that.
Jaden: stop being rude to my mom.
Riley: I'm just trying to figure out why she asked that.
Amy: because I care about her just as much as you do.
Riley: riiight.

Riley walks away and Josh follows her outside.

Josh: Riley.

She continues walking to her car ignoring him.

Josh: Riley, I know you can hear me!
Riley: I can, I'm just choosing to ignore you!
Josh: Riley just listen to me please.
Riley: why should I do that?
Josh: because I really need to talk to you.
Riley: and I don't need to listen to you.
Josh: Riley please.

She got in her car and he got in the passenger seat.

Riley: get the hell out of my car!
Josh: not until you listen to me.
Riley: look, I don't want to listen to you right now. I just seen my sister with a tube in her throat to help her breathe. Talking to you right now is something I just don't want to do.
Josh: I just want to explain why I kept that from her.

She really didn't want to listen to him but she knew she would have to tell her sister if she wakes up, because she wouldn't want to listen to him either.

Riley: ok I'm listening.
Josh: I didn't tell her because I knew he was going try something. He kept telling me to stop seeing Mads but I didn't listen because I didn't want to leave Mads alone. These last few months with her has been so amazing, and then he came back and ruined it.
Riley: you lied to Mads. Why couldn't you have told her that her ex showed up?
Josh: because I knew he was going to do this stupid apology, and try to get back with her.
Riley: but he's with your ex.
Josh: so he always does this and I hated that. He was my best friend and I couldn't say shit, because it would make it look like I was trying to get with her.
Riley: you still could of told her.
Josh: I didn't want to risk her getting back with him not again. She deserves way better than him.
Riley: you're right. She really does deserve better than him. She deserves you.

Josh took a moment to make sure he understood every word she said, before speaking again.

Josh: she doesn't deserve me. She deserves better than me. She literally told me that I'm just like Jaden.
Riley: she probably just said that in the moment.
Josh: I let her leave and she got hit by a my ex. If I didn't let her leave she would be fine. I don't know why I fell into his trap.
Riley: I haven't seen her so happy since late 2019. Jaden really put her through a lot and she was blinded by it until he got with her ex best friend. You can't just let her go because of this.
Josh: she literally said I didn't deserve Nessa.
Riley: well I mean you didn't.
Josh: thanks.

He said sarcastically

Riley: but she can show her she deserves you.
Josh: I really hope she's okay.
Riley: me too.
Josh: the fact that she said something was going to happen and then it did.
Riley: everyone's going think she staged everything.
Josh: I doubt it but you're probably right.
Riley: if only I was there this wouldn't have happened probably.
Josh: I don't know.
Riley: give it to me straight. Was you, and Mads dating?

Josh paused for second making sure he says the right things Mads told him almost three months ago

Josh: no. She said she wasn't ready to be official, so we were unofficial. She still didn't want to tell anybody and I didn't push her too.
Riley: I really do believe you guys deserve each other but I'm not going to push anything on you, or her.
Josh: we'll see when she wakes up.
Riley: you mean if.
Josh: no when. I know she will wake up I have faith she will.
Riley: I should get home it's 2 in the morning and I want to be here early to try to actually sit by my sister's side.
Josh: I'm sorry I let this happen. I should of stopped her.
Riley: it's not your fault. I don't blame you I blame Nessa. She knew what she was doing when she got behind the wheel...let me go home before I do something stupid.
Josh: goodnight. I'll see you later.

Josh got out of her car and went to his. He wanted believe her honesty but what if Mads never wants to see him again. The last words she said to him was, "The one thing I wanted to see in you Josh was honesty, but you're just like him. Nessa really didn't deserve you, and you didn't deserve her." Those words really hurt but she wasn't lying.

*Addison's Pov (in third person)*

It's the next morning and Addison seen a few hashtags going viral for Mads. She was absolutely confused because she was out with her family yesterday. She got a lot of dms about Mads. She didn't really think much about it, because it's probably them hating on her again. She sees tiktokroom posted hella videos of Mads, and the tweet.





She was confused, and upset. Her best friend was in the hospital and nobody told her. She quickly grabbed her keys and drove to the hospital.

Receptionist: hi, may I help you?
Addison: Madison Lewis? Is she here?

She goes through the computer and pulls up Mads file.

Receptionist: ok, she's in room 401.
Addison: thank you.

She makes her way to the elevator nervous ash. She doesn't know what she's going see when she walks in, and that is low key killing her inside.

She gets to the room and she slowly opens the door. Tiffany turned around to see Addison slowly walking in. She sees Mads with a tube in her throat and other machines surrounding her.

Addison: w-why is there so many machines surrounding her?
Tiffany: she needs it. She can't breathe on her own.
Addison: is she going be okay?
Tiffany: we don't know. She's in a coma right now and only time will tell.

She goes on the opposite side of Mads bed and sits down in the chair.

Addison: Mads, you probably can't hear me right now but it's me Addison. I love you and you're going be just fine. I'm right here and I'm going be by your side this whole time no matter what. I just need you to wake up and stay alive. The last thing I need is to lose my bestfriend. I'll be right here, by your I promised you before.

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