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IT HAD BEEN A few days since the gym fiasco. In between incidents and gym sessions, the two have gotten a little closer. Nathaniel told Gabriel about his parents, how his dad had passed from a sudden heart attack and how he couldn't stand his mother's narcisissm, so he went no contact with her. The pair related with each other on that; Gabriel also said that he was never close with his parents and moved away the first moment he could. When asked why, Gabriel lied and said it was just an unstable household. It was mainly because he was bisexual.

It had been a particularly rougher day than normal; it was hot, incidents were long and tiring, and physical drills didn't make things easier. Nathaniel invited Gabriel out for drinks after work; the latter said yes, despite the high probability of Isabel getting mad about it later. He needed alcohol, and he couldn't resist spending more time with Nathaniel. They walked to the nearest pub; the fire station was near a hub of shops and the like, convenient for the two men.

"You're single, yeah?" Gabriel asked Nathaniel. Taken back, he put his drink down, looking at Gabriel very slightly arching an eyebrow. Gabriel half smiled, not sure what to do. If the bar they were at was making him a little nervous, then Nathaniel's look was making him even more so.

The question slipped out of his mouth. Gabriel didn't know why he felt the need to know; whether it was burning curiosity, or just hope that Nathaniel might be interested in him, Gabriel couldn't decide.

"Why do you ask?" Nathaniel finally said. Gabriel felt a bead of sweat roll down his forehead. Looking behind Nathaniel quickly, he noticed a 'Single's Night' sign. Gabriel pointed at it, making Nathaniel look.

"Might get lucky, hey?" Gabriel forced a laugh. Nathaniel gave him a look he couldn't decipher, then smiled and shook his head.

"I'm not seeing anyone."

Gabriel's heart did a flip. He's single! Great. You're not.

"Surprised no girl's snatched you up," Gabriel said. Nathaniel smirked, wrapping his hand around the cool condensation collecting on the glass of his drink.

"Could say the same for you. But yeah, some girls have tried. Just not interested in them."

"Not interested in them?"

Nathaniel arched an eyebrow. "Wait, you don't know?"

Gabriel's heart was in his throat. All he could do was shake his head.

"Gabe, I'm gay," Nathaniel burst out laughing. "There's no way you actually didn't know that?"

Shrugging, Gabriel shook his head. "I never thought to ask! I just assumed you were straight. You're so... masculine."

Taking a swig of his drink, Nathaniel chuckled. "Being masculine has nothing to do with being gay. There are feminine gay people out there. God, you really are an old man."

"Fuck off, probie."

The two shared a laugh. Nathaniel rubbed the back of his head, before turning to Gabriel. "We're cool though, yeah? I was sort of scared to tell you, I didn't know how you'd react. Didn't want to lose a good friend."

Gabriel half smiled. If only he knew he was bisexual. "It's cool with me."

Nathaniel stared for a moment. "That's it? No, 'just don't hit on me' or 'do you find me hot' questions?"

Gabriel shook his head. "No? Why, do you find me hot?"

The man laughed. "Well, no shit, you're literally built like a tank. Of course I find you hot. But that's not the point, me coming out didn't spark some big reaction. I'm... I'm glad. Thanks. Most straight guys are all gross about this stuff."

Stifling the butterflies forming in Gabriel's stomach, Gabriel could barely contain a smile. Nathaniel finds him hot. Holy shit. He's gay, he finds me hot. This... it's all suddenly possible.

"Anyway. That's enough about my sexuality," Nathaniel said, calling the bartender over to pour another drink for himself. "You keen on the upcoming firefighting awards ceremony?"

Gabriel blinked. "Right. Forgot that was happening. Yeah, it's one of my favourite things to go to. I should be going. You?"

A pit formed in Gabriel's stomach. Fuck. What if he is going? Isabel doesn't usually come to these events, but what if she decides to come? What if they meet?

"I think it's a little unnecessary, but yeah. You've gotta let me know how it is. I'm babysitting my sister's kids, so won't be able to come."

A relieved breath came out of Gabriel. "Y-yeah, I will."

The two sat in a comfortable silence. A few minutes later, Nathaniel's phone pinged, and he checked it. "Shoot, I gotta head off. Forgot it was grocery day. The shops close soon. Thank god for reminders, right?"

He got out of his seat. Gabriel's eyebrows furrowed. "You're not driving, are you?"

Nathaniel shook his head. "Nah, gonna go walk. House ain't too far from here; I rarely drive to work nowadays. Helps with the cardio too."

Gabriel stood up. Nathaniel gave Gabriel a hug, something he didn't expect. He reciprocated, awkwardly patting Nathaniel's back. It was warm, inviting, and despite how it must have looked to the other people at the bar, Gabriel didn't want to let go.

"See you tomorrow," Nathaniel said, loosening his arms. Gabriel, half smiling and probably blushing a little, nodded.

"Stay safe."

The two smiled at each other. Leaving, Nathaniel turned on his heel and walked out of the bar. Gabriel sighed, burying his face in his hands, shaking his head. He turned back to the bar and sat down, ordering another drink. The pit in his stomach grew; he felt weighed down, with no way of getting up.

This... this really shouldn't continue. But, he wants it to. There's something he felt with Nathaniel that he stopped feeling with Isabel a long time ago. 


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Much love,J.S x

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