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AT THIS POINT, GABRIEL and Nathaniel had lost count on the number of times they'd gone out. But, tonight was special. Before Nathaniel came into the picture, today was just another day in Gabriel's life. Isabel never felt the need to celebrate Gabriel's birthday, nor gift him with something special and meaningful.

But that was before Nathaniel. 

Gabriel was invited to Nathaniel's apartment a few hours after work for drinks. Gabriel had no idea if Nathaniel had remembered the date; after all, he only mentioned it once in conversation, and it's not like the fire station gave a shit. The captain pulled Gabriel aside and gave him a card and a generic gift voucher, but as far as coworkers went, that was the extent of their kindness. Isabel was far worse; she started Gabriel's day with a screaming match about the kitchen being a mess (despite Isabel being the one that trashed it with Seo-yun yesterday) and, after reminding her it was his birthday, she angrily said that she was too broke to get him anything.

He wasn't particularly feeling the love from anyone. So, he was hoping Nathaniel would at least acknowledge it. If not, then drinks with him sounded like a good second-best.

When Gabriel set foot in his apartment, it was clear that Nathaniel had ulterior motives. On his dining table sat two candles on a little cake (that he picked up on the way back from work), as well as two glasses with a wine bottle that Gabriel didn't recognise. Gabriel was at a loss for words; Nathaniel got him to sit down as he awkwardly sang the happy birthday song to Gabriel, finishing it with a kiss on his cheek as he blew out the candles. 

The two ate a slice, indulging in the cake's rich cocoa and coffee taste, before popping the bottle of wine open. A few drinks later, the two ended up in Nathaniel's bed, stripped of clothing, cuddling as a movie played on on his TV. Nathaniel nibbled on Gabriel's earlobe, teasing the man. Just as Gabriel was about to lose himself to Nathaniel's lips, Nathaniel pulled away.

"Oh shit, I forgot; I got you something," Nathaniel said, climbing out of the sheets. He pulled out a small wrapped gift from his bedroom closet. Gabriel sat up, pausing the movie. He handed it to Gabriel, trying but failing to contain his excitement. Gabriel shook his head, face like a stunned mullet as he clutched the wrapped present in his burly hands.

"No way. Nathe, first the cake and the wine, and now this? I can't, you've spoiled me too much."

Nathaniel silenced him with a kiss. Gabriel melted at the touch of his lips.

"Come on, Gabe, just open it. I wanna see your reaction."

Gabriel grinned, shaking his head, as he untacked the tape from the wrapping paper. "Fine, just this once, probie."

Nathaniel cringed. Gabriel giggled. "You're lucky this isn't returnable."

After finally peeling the paper from the present, it revealed a navy velvet box, the top and bottom closed together like a pearling oyster. His heart skipped a beat. Gabriel opened the jewellery box and inside found the most beautiful watch his eyes had ever seen. The band was genuine hickory-coloured leather, something Gabriel always had a soft spot for but never had the reason to splurge on. As he turned in his hands to look at it, the light caught on the edge of the watch's face. Diamond finishes encrusted the inner lip of the face, seamlessly blending with chromatic roman numerals circling the edge. 

This.. this would have cost Nathaniel a fortune.

Gabriel was gobsmacked. Nathaniel couldn't help but giggle at the sight in front of him. "I hope you like it, Gabe."

He shook his head, putting it back in the box, "Nath, there's... there's no way I can accept this. It's far too precious. This would have cost an arm and a leg."

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