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THANKFULLY, ISABEL JUST HAPPENED to be out with Seo-yun the night Nathaniel made plans, so Gabriel's anxiety was soon replaced with excitement. It had been a week, and Nathaniel wanted to keep the date a complete surprise. 

Nathaniel told him to wear nice but casual clothes, so Gabriel dressed in his smartest going-out outfit; a black sweater with a collared polo underneath, accompanied with fitting black jeans and a pair of hazel chelsea boots. He combed his hair back and spritzed on his best cologne. 

His hands were shaking. On one hand, he was convinced Isabel would come back home and everything would be ruined; on another hand, he wanted nothing more than to spend time with Nathaniel. The costs definitely outweighed the benefits of this, but in the moment, he didn't care. 

He just wanted to kiss Nathaniel again.

After finishing getting ready, the man waited outside for his paramour to come, and when he did, he nearly crashed into Gabriel's garage, forgetting to stop the car. All Gabriel could see was Nathaniel's slack jaw as the passenger window wound down. Gabriel laughed. Nathaniel was utterly mesmerised with Gabriel's appearance, his eyes trailing over Gabriel as he stepped into the car.

"You're... you're looking really good," Nathaniel said with a smile. Gabriel could tell from his voice that he was a little nervous. He admired Nathaniel's clothes; he looked good in a button up T-shirt, with dark jeans and designer sneakers. It was strange seeing him out of work clothes; it was a rarity, and both men took a moment to enjoy the sight of each other. Gabriel lapped up Nathaniel's scent of musk, wood and lavender before returning the compliment. 

Nathaniel did a quick scan of the street. It was empty. He turned back to Gabriel, bringing him in for a quick kiss. When they pulled away, Gabriel couldn't help but grin as Nathaniel began the drive. 

Pulling out of the driveway, the two were off. At some point after they left the outskirts of the city, Nathaniel put a hand on Gabriel's thigh, sending a shiver up his spine. His warm hand was comforting, caring, calming, sending sensations all over Gabriel's body as Nathaniel thumbed the outer hem of his jeans. God, Gabriel could have sworn his heart skipped a beat.

Soon, the pair were cruising along the coast, nothing but the sound of the radio playing Fleetwood Mac and the distant lapping of ocean water filling their ears.

Nathaniel took Gabriel to the Ruby Sea Star, a modern building built right on the top of a cliff, overlooking the ocean far out of town. It used to be an old lighthouse a few decades ago, but when boats stopped coming to this section of the coast, it was sold and converted into a surf and turf restaurant. The drive lasted over half an hour; Nathaniel wanted to make sure that nobody they knew would see them, so he chose the nicest remote restaurant he knew. The salty scent of the ocean, the sounds of the crashing waves, and the call of the hungry seabirds filled the air around the two as they got out of the car and walked towards the eatery.

The restaurant was packed. Gabriel's nerves set in. A family of five sat in a corner, the three children spilling drinks and chatting noisily as their parents struggled to contain them. A group of young women in their twenties sat on barstools at the bar, giggling and chatting, much to the annoyance of an elderly woman, dining alone, onlooking with a fiery expression. Businessmen sat in large groups, laughing with vigour as they swigged down glass after glass of beer. Chinese tourists sat at the edge, trying to decipher the menu, muttering words in a language Gabriel couldn't decipher.

The noise level was deafening. The smell of alcohol and seafood permeated the air like lingering bug spray. Gabriel wanted to leave. Nathaniel saw the worry on his face. 

"I didn't know it was going to be this busy. Are you okay?"

Gabriel shook his head no. But, then he realised; nobody's reacted to him entering. Whenever he went to a public place, there was at least one or two people that saw him and gave him a wave or a greeting. Everyone was too wrapped up in what they were doing to care about Gabriel. He was completely anonymous here. He was free.

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