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A FEW DAYS AFTER Gabriel and Nathaniel's post-work bar drink, the entire fire department staff was invited to the city's annual awards ceremony, where select members from all city-wide departments were praised for their work both off and on the field. Gabriel went every year, and loved every second of the event, regardless if he got an award or not.

Gabriel usually went alone and had drinks with his work friends afterwards, but Isabel insisted on coming this time. No string of words could explain how fucking awful the event was because of her. He wished he went with Nathaniel. He wished Isabel was Nathaniel.

That night, Gabriel had actually won an award for his services. He was over the moon, euphoric. He was glad he put his cleanest dress uniform on; all eyes were on him, taking photos of him with the award. His chief, other firefighters, press, the public, you name it; everyone wanted a photo with the golden boy. Gabriel, always somewhat shy, lapped up the attention for once and basked in the recognition and glory of his work. But, he was soon swallowed by other emotions when he overheard his wife gossiping like fucking Pheme to her friend as Gabriel chatted nearby to his superior.

"Is that all he won? Your husband could have won something better. Not this bogus congratulatory thing for working in a team well."

"I know right? A few years ago he was cleaning up these awards and now this is all he gets this year? He's clearly slipping."

"No shit."

Feeling his ears blaze with warmth, he turned to face them. They were looking away from them, their bodies turned towards each other, unaware that their malicious whispers were within Gabriel's earshot. This award was a huge achievement. It showed Gabriel that he did something good, something just.

Am... am I worthy?

He walked over to them, clearing his throat, catching both of their attention. The woman Isabel was talking to, a South Korean woman named Seo-yun, eyed him up and down, her gaze like fire pokers stabbing through his skin. She's one of his colleague's wife, a bitter woman that bonded well with Isabel a few years ago. Gabriel never got along with her. 

"Speak of the devil..." Isabel said, turning to Gabriel. "Hey, baby." 

"Isabel," Gabriel began, grabbing her lightly by the arm, "Can we talk privately for a moment?" 

She turned to Seo-yun, who had merely shrugged. Isabel huffed. "Sure. Be right back." 

The pair left the woman and calmly stepped outside, Isabel snapping her arms closed in front of her while her brow twisted with anger. Gabriel's face was flushed at that point, still mortified.

"What is it now, Gabriel? Why'd you drag me away from her?"

Gabriel cleared his throat, before saying shakily, "I heard what you were telling Seo-yun." 


His voice quivered. He swallowed hard. "I... I thought you were proud of the award I won."

Isabel rolled her eyes, groaning. "My God, Gabriel, you're way too sensitive. I was just trying to get the conversation going, Jesus. Your award is good. Fine. Just relax."

"Too sensitive?"

She shook her head no, disbelief washing over her face. "Yes. Are you deaf? Now, you're embarrassing me by keeping me away from my friends."

Isabel peered back into the building, eyeing the group of women she was talking to before. "Look, we can talk about your problem with them at home okay? I don't want to talk about this right now. I want to network and talk with my friends, and I want you to stay out of the way, unless someone wants a photo. Got it? Now, I'm going to go inside. Hope you're done sulking soon, it's embarrasing."

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