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➪ down in hell,A Pink car screeched and stopped mildly away from crashing into a parking lot And came to a halt just in time

the driver seat opened and out came you with sunglasses on that had pink hearts printed on them

you were chewing a bubblegum with a lazy face  and reaching out your pocket and drew out a spraying can to spray the words '(y/n)' in the cement behind your fabulous pink car, heels making a metal sound everywhere you stepped

just seconds before you hear another loud screech behind you and turned around followed with loud music and screaming "YOU HAVE THREE GOD DAMN SECONDS TO GET YOUR SHIT OUT OF MY PARKING SPOT" it grew a little quiet untill the person who yelled finally figured out who you are "oh Shit, (y/n)?"

You knew that voice all too well you blew out ur gum and faced the person after they lowered down their windows "blitzo." The name tasting like shit in your mouth.

"i should have known you'd be here,i can smell fish from miles.just odd,because i believe that the nearest ocean is-

he cut himself off by falling out of his window from leaping to much "THREE RINGS DOWN" he finished before quickly standing up .

you yawned "And i should have known youd be here when i heard the Amber Alerts" you said holding your flask "oh yeah?,im surprised they let your FATASS out of rehab.i could see your still drunk and A whore" he squinted his eyes at your walking figure slightly in the middle of the parking lot

"Clutching onto that Bl of juice  bottle like its the last cock in hell"

"they let me out because im still famous" you said and flipped your hair "And rehab is for sad loser wash-ups" you say and took a drink from your flask "soo.your sister says hi" you wiped off the liquid that dripped down your mouth

"Why are you parking here?" Blitzo grumbled approaching your figure beside your car and pointed an insulting finger at you "This Is the only parking spot my company has, SO TAKE YOUR TAMPON RACECAR SOMEWHERE ELSE"

"Actually,PRICK.it has my name on it" you crouched down to his level and pointed below you both to see the name you sprey painted on. "I join a bit of Free lands for one of the infinitely more successful companies in the building"

"No way.." loona stared outside the van window to see the one and only (y/n) Mayday arguing with her boss and adoptive father.

"-and they want to have me come in this month til' the thirteen during spring break" "A MONTH ?NO.NO!,YOU ARE NOT PARKING HERE FOR A FUCKIN MONTH"

"aww,you mad blitzo?" You said and pushed off your sunglasses to your head to reveal those snake like taunting eyes

"you gonna run off,leaving someone else to pay for the hotel room,steal their car and-" the argument went heated as blitzo beggins to copy her words as if hes heard it a thousand times as the quarrel grew
Blitzo finnaly ended with a stomp

"choke on a sand paper cock" you said and pushed past his shoulders and towards the building and loona ducking down when you passed by their car

While blitzo was still chasing you behind "HOLD ON. YOU BETTER MOVE THAT PUSSY WAGON RIGHT NOW OR IM GONNA-" his profanities got cut up in his throat as suddenly a large dog or seemingly wolf appeared at the side of your car. He had a sratch in his eye resulting it white as he growled down at blitzo "or youll what?"              

"or ill uhh- ill call H R "


"Anyway,meet my new hellhound,vortex.unlike you he actually does his job well" you said and continue to stroll down with vortex now following behind

"tata,fuckstene" you flipped him off your back


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