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➪After arriving to your temporary apartment which was actually an evacuated underground club. You were planning to open a club to gain more points from your challenge with blitzo. You didnt really know why you were putting in so much effort into this stupid wajor, you guess you were really just eager to shove it in his face that hes shit.

you went to your room and took your heels off you head off  to your bed and passed a picture of blitzo which was used as a target,
filled with knives and small deflectors either missed or hit his forehead

you dropped unto your bed and looked at the ceiling with a bored look

'man..im kinda horny right now.'


"ughh,i didnt have time to study" mina whined looking at her test paper '20th'

"i only managed to steal off a couple answers from kiri because he let me" denki held his sheet "19th" with a proud smile

"AND YOU DIDNT LET ME?!" Mina cried hitting denki multuple times

"hah,losers,guess im not the dumbest one in class" mineta shoved his paper in mina and denki's face which was '16th'

"HAAH?!,YOU MUST BE JOKING WITH ME,IT CANT BE" mina cried more,not believing the school pervert could possibly be higher

"What did he even do to get such a high score" denki sulked

"its not really hard,when you listened" tokoyami said holding his paper up '4th'


'yeah,right'The bird man deadpanned

"Tsk,just give up,youd never graduate with your shit grades" bakugo shoved his grades in their faces

"That was rude!"

"No one asked!,Cum quirk!"

"i dont get it really,it wasnt that hard" momo looked at her test '1st'

"Oh to be momo" mina dramatically put the back of her palm in her forehead

"mineta,i dare u to steal answers from momo,and give it to me in the final exams" denki whispered

"what makes u think id do that?" Mineta crossed his arms

"Hmm, 50 bucks?"


"180 bucks"

"pfft- not even close"


"hah, you cant bribe me enough with useless mone-!!" Mineta stopped talking as he saw denki whip out your flask that he luckily caught in your concert.

"hmm,what about this?" Denki smirked ,knowing it was more good than anything else to mineta. And maybe  even everyone

"you my boy,have a deal" mineta was about to snatch your flask from denkis hand ,but he retached his arm back

"Ah ah ah,Not UNTILL the final exams " denki said and shoved the flask back in his pocket

"grrrrr,FINE" Mineta crossed his arms


  'Get scammed' denki snickered

"Well,im surprised mineta got 16th,im guessing he either copied someone,or cheated" a man with long hair tied back in a bun muttered. He was also known as shota Aizawa,underground hero Eraser head

"as for the rest,well done,exept you mina.Your grades are lacking big time"

"as you can see sports festival is a week away,so train hard,dont slack off and try your best."  He sighed before continuing "that is all,you may enjoy your Week break.and dont mess up" he slid in his yellow bean bag in the floor and closed his eyes

"Hey guys,do you have any plans before the festival starts?" Sero asked aloud for the group to hear

"your not planning on spending your time hanging off than training,right?" Kirishima said

"whaat?-pfft,nahh" sero shrugged him off "definately not"

"Mhmm" kiri eyed him suspiciously

"hmm i wonder what shes doing right now?" Kiri hummed and turned his attention back to the group "who exactly are you talking about?" mina asked

"uh yknow-,that popstar,Even after the concert she just left and never said anything"

"maybe she just likes to keep to herself?"

"duno..,what i do know is that shes the schools talk" momo said,putting a hand on her chin

"Yeah..,Im still digging on theories on what her quirk is,shes really a big talk on social medias too." Izuku said

"Maybe,She doesnt have any?"Tsuyu joined

"Well,Lets not jump into conclusions,theres only one way to know"

"What way are you talking about?"

"when we see her,duhh"

"By the way do you guys wanna get boba?"



"I heard there was a concert being hosted up by a cute popstar~
its such a shame none of us can attend without getting caught.." a certain girl muttered with light blonde buns. Cupping both of her cheeks that held a rather noticable blush

"psh,as if we'd have time for that" shigaraki gulped down the last sip of his drink

"But i really wanted too!!" Toga whined

"You wouldnt know,her voice might be crap" he replied

"NO ITS NOTT, RIGHT DABI?!" Toga shook the said males shoulder,forcing him to agree "YOU'VE HEARD HER VOICE BEFORE TOO!"

Dabi said nothing and shrugged, eyes glued to the Tv Screen that Showed you being interviewed

"Shes got the whole channel broad-cast chase after her ass"

"you cant deny tho,shes pretty." kurogiri shrugged. And wiped another glass

"yeah but thats all.Her quirk might be useless"

"Stop assuming Shigi!,She might just be a fine addition to our League!" Toga shouted near his ear while he jerked away and cupped his ear

"must you shout you moron" shigaraki groaned

"Well see if her quirk is strong."

(it feels like mineta is being mentioned the most Lmao)

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