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➪ You finished your cake and drank the last sips of the coffee since loona said she was full

you two exited the cafe after paying.you payed less since the employees finally realized who you were and gave you an 80% off

You two headed towards a Huge building which was the mall

"Which store do you wanna go first?" You looked back at loona after passing the security check- up and feeling the cold air in the mall

"I dont know,ive never been here before" she looked around, amused, of all the advanced decor"

"you like fashion right?,pft- why am i even asking ,of course you do" you pilled loona towards an entry for clothes

you were mostly the one picking out for loona while she followed close behind

You took out a black t shirt with a red pentagram and held the hanger in her chest to see if it would fit

"hmm,yeah well take this" you shoved the t shirt in her arms and proceeded to look more

loona didnt know what to do.she wasnt suppose to hang out with an her.especially when it was blitzos enemy,but here she was being bought with clothes

her thoughts were caught off as she felt 2 or more clothes being shoved in her arms

she looked down and scanned the shirts and tops.

an off shoulder with a demons hand that held a middle finger, A crop top that had spider cob webs and much more

"uh- isnt this a bit too much" she laughed awkwardly at you, who which was scanning on another isle

"Eh, I dont need money down in hell,and i already got enough from selling tickets"

minutes passed while checking out about 45 picked out shirts and clothes you strolled out and scanned the mall.

Loona carried 2 bags already and followed beside you

The busy streets in the mall were interesting, allot of people in either different countries

you spotted a familiar store,
the store where you bought the pink ruffled dress for the concert

You headed towards there knowing loona would just follow behind.

The male cashier noticed you almost instantly and waves you over

The male was an old friend of yours from hell that wanted a break from the ruckus

"heyy, what's up, mayday?" he noticed loona and pointed at her

"this your friend?

" yeah, actually. I need another of those pink ruffles you have"

you leaned in the counter and rest your chin in your hands and watched him search for it.

Seconds later loonas phone suddenly rang in her pocket making her stumble with all the bags she was holding untill she finally caught it.

"fuck- darn it,uhh-i kinda need to take this one" loona laughed nerviously and jogged outside the entrance leaving the baggs on the floor.

"ugh..blitzo" loona whined and face palmed her forehead

blitzo was calling her with that annoying ring-tone he refused to let her change

she pressed call and  a string of curses erupted from the other end and two other voices.


She quickly lowered the volume and looked from side to side seeing people give her confused looks and two other guys snickering

"Sir,i think the speaker is on?" Moxies voice was heard

"I dont give a damn,LOONA WHERE ARE YOU??"

"UGH- you're talking to her right now!" loona yelled back after finally going to a less secluded area "GOD why do you have to be so annoying"


im in a damn mall, and yes,im alone"
she huffed

"what are you doing in the mall anyways??"

"building a house." She rolled her eyes to particularly no one

"be serious loona,why are you in there?"

"to uhh.." she bit her lip,thingking for an answer "to kill people."

"in a public area?.."

"its called assasinating,boomer."

"how dare y call me that yo-"

Loona quickly hung up the phone and went back to the store where she left you,making sure that she avoided peoples eyes
(words :710)

(i definately did not make a more detailed chapter for loona.)

well what can i say? Shes a babe

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2021 ⏰

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