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➪News spread fast and people were already fussing over and hurrying up to buy the latest selling tickets to the suppose beach concert

they werent really interested at first.but when the posters and banners were up and seeing yourself in such poses.caused the entire town maddness.

They really didnt know why it was so sudden and who put those banners up .
But they werent  complaining

"woah,can you believe it?,not even a minute and the second stall is already out of stock" sero muttered.thankfull he was able to buy a ticket to the concert of this hot singer everyone has been talking about

"yeah,its crazy!we dont even know anything about her yet here we are" kirishima laughed

"Ughhh! I didnt get one,the tickets were so expensive" mina whined "yeah me either" kaminari sulked .

"Haha!,well lucky for me i managed to snag two tickets before they were all sold out in the stalls!,it was expensive,But everything has a prize, especially a hot one.." mineta drooled at the thought

finally able to see her in person and not just in a poster.how those thighs would crush his face- 

"WAIT-im your best friend,right??hand me one!" kaminari desperately tried to claw the ticket from the daydreaming mineta while being pulled back by mina

"i havent gone in a  concert for ages,please let me have this one!" She desperately pleaded despite mineta cant even hear her

"nuh-uh this is an oppurtunity!,i can finally see a goddess for so many canturies!"

"its incredible these people are buying away an expense price for a concert,we dont even know what she sounds like" shoto mumbled

Definately only fumbling his fingers that didnt hold any ticket.

"thats funny todoroki,i remember you also buying one from the stalls earlier" deku patted his friends back

"you did too.." shoto said "ah,well im only going there since mom is also going,its  really funny how the artist really had everyones attention with her looks alone.
i wonder what her quirk is "

"maybe something that includes sounds,or instruments?,either way,thanks for buying me one,shoto,i really didnt know what to do since im only one of the poeple who doesnt own one yet" uraraka chimed in rubbing in the back of her neck.

"either way,its a waste of time.you guys should be studying instead fot this upcoming exam! Iida said scoldingly .his hand bobbing up and down.

"maybe we just need a bit of enlightment today dont you think?,school has been pretty hard lately.especially when aizawa purposely adds questions that wasnt even in the topic" izuku said smiling sheepishly at the thought of their advicer

"Its stupid how they got tickets so early, the concert is just a week away.desperate idiots" bakugo scowled  "well i also remember you getting one bakugo" kirishima smiled

"oh yea?,because i wanted to shove it in pikachus face" yea sounds like a reason.

"I heard shes half human and thats all i know, im glad i was able to buy five,untill it ran out, so i can give some to the classmates if they were unable to buy some" momo said as jirou listened closely

"yeah,im kind of sispicious for some reason" jirou played with her ear jacks

"what do you mean?"

"i mean,who suddenly goes to musutafu and sing randomly,no one goes here to perform anymore"

"yeah,well im glad someone finally had the care."

                       yea no she doesnt.

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