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➪You scrolled through your phone without a care in the world walking down the streets
all alone without vortex

You wore in your usual outfit. A white dress that ended mid thigh that had an X O  printed in the fabric at your chest. and Black heels that went above your knees that had Pink hearts on the front of the heels . To finish it all you wore a pink feathered jacket that wasnt zipped and white gloves.

everyone would instantly know who you were .Exept you were not in your human disguise

well it didnt matter though cus everyone here had different skin colors.yes.even blue

you were sure enough that no one would recognize you since no one yet saw you out of your human disguise but that wasnt the case as you heard someone gasp your name

"Miss mayday??"  You stopped and looked up from your phone you saw A girl who had soft silver hair and  half of her head was shaved .

"Do i know you?" You asked, raising a brow

"i- uhm.. its someone from underground"
loona tried not to say that shes blitzos adoptive daughter for he sake of embarrasing herself

"oh,your blitzos daughter" you finally realized  "W-well!-,adoptive daughter,eheh-No one wants to be related to that dork,am i right?-" she tried saving herself

"i just wanted to say i-im a huge fan" she Admitted

"awh~,Thanks sweetie, im surprised his attitude hasnt gone to you yet" you snickered

"i was actually wondering why your out of your disguise" she scrached the side of her arm

"well it doesnt matter,anyways. Say,Do you wanna join me for Coffee?~,Im sure your father wouldnt mind if i steal his baby for a couple of hours" you hooked your arm on her shoulder

"Please call me loona-" her cheeks felt red from embarrasment

"whatever you say~"

You and loona finnaly arrived at a cafe,
opening the doors you went inside first and loona after

the cold air and the smell of vanilla hit like a truck to who ever person that entered

sighting you sat in on one of the seats that was sideways beside the window, loona sitting across from you

"oh crap- i forgot to bring money with me-"

You cut loona off with a chuckle "its fine,besides.i dont mind paying for someone as cute as you" you winked ,making loona question her sexuality.

"thanks for having me here,uh-ma'am"
Loona scrached the back of her neck

"call me y/n.were friends anyway ,arent we?"
you teased

"oh s-sure,ma- y/n"

You took the menu infront of you and checke what was for sale

minutes later a waiter approached you table looking at his notes

"ook-what can we start for you today" he looked at you and loona

"ill have the iced coffee aand the chocolate cake" you looked up from the menu to loona

"oh- uh- ill get the same"

"alrighty then, youll order will be here in about 8 minutes" he left the table and towards the back of the cashier

"Thats all?" You aksed loona and put your chin in your hands

"yeah..i didnt want you to spend that much on me" she chuckled nerviously

"nonsence,i can buy you whatever you want,say wanna go to the mall with me?"

Loona seemingly tried not to look rude and simply took the offer "sure.. What time?"

"silly,were going right now after this"

you and loona continued to talk for a couple of minutes about random things.mostly about you and your career. Slowly beggining to be more  confortable with each other

You two suddenly heard a ring on the counter and the waiter aporoached with your orders

"enjoy,ma'am" he bowed politely with a smile and left your table

"mmm,these smells delicious" you took out your fork and cut the delicous cake and seeing it ooze with more chocolate pudding inside

you took a bite out of your cake and began to dine in and taking a sip from your drink ,same with loona

You looked at her for moment before offering "hey,wanna share with my drink?"

The question made loona almost choke in her cake but she quickly swallowed it

you snickered at her "relax,silly. i can just ask for anither straw"

you flicked your fingers signalling for the waiter to come. He walked towards your table "is there any problem,maam?"

"We need another straw,please" the waiter looked at the ice coffee and saw that there was only one and mistook you two as dating

"ah,yes.right away maam" he grinned sheepishly and walked away to get a straw

"Soo~tell me,whats your father like now?does he suck with raising?"

loona nerviously laughed "well i dunno,hes cool.but hes annoying sometimes"

you just hummed

loona wanted to ask your relationship with her father but she didnt want to pry further down and possibly ruin the atmosphere

Your eyes trailed to the counter and saw two waitresses whispering to each other.clearly looking at you. You just rolled your eyes and looked at your phone
(Words : 864)

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