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➪After entering the scene and dissapearing from blitzos sight

loona bursted out of the van "you know (y/n) mayday?!" "huh?-oh yea,her,yeah,we dated."
blitzo grumbled and crossed his arms

"was it before?" a new voices  was heard inside the van
"or after she became a popstar"

"YOU dated a popstar??"
"Ok-why are you all acting like thats such a shock?"

"helloo??,its (y/n) mayday" loona said and crossed her arms leaning in the opened van door.

"and its you?.."

"I just- Is She blind??,suffering some form of brain damage?" Moxie asked

"ok look,you are all making this into a WAY  bigger deal than it needs to be,i dont pry into into your stupid,personal life."

he ignored the sounds of protest knowing very well he does.

"what was sex with her like?" Millie asked from afar
"MIllie!"moxie gasped

"What??,its a popstar.youd wanna know what sex with michael crawford was like"
moxie was about to open his mouth to say something but nothing  came  "toche." He muttered
while millie just smirked at her husband

"OK lets just drop it.millie,find a temporary spot for that truck.ok? Loonie,moxie lets go inside and feed them shit"


The elevetor opened to reveal moxie loona and blitzo making their way untill they saw your hellhound,vortex

blitzo hurridly stonped him feet towards vortex "ALRIGHT,big man Wheres your bitch bag of an employer?"

"shes in her office" vortex said in a surprisingly chill tone than before he met him "there wasnt room in the second floor,so they rented one here, on this one" vortex continued which made blitzo even more pissed considering the fact that it was across from HIS

"Oh COME ON" vortex only snickered to his bewilderment "Sorry man" vortex shrugged and walked away

"oh no you dont,Bitch" blitzo pulled his sleeves to his collar approaching your office that was dimmed with a deep fuchsia collor

"Sir,how about you let me go in and try to reason with her, i dont really listen to whats classified as 'Pop geanre' music ,so her status-..

however blitzos ears began to ring as moxie kept blabbering shit,
not to mention hes quite the one with long terms of words

"Please moxie,shut the fuck up" blitzo dragged his hands down to his face

"aaal-righty then" moxie shuts up and walked towards your door that was sprey painted with your name in pink sprey  and to your office where blitzo and loona can see your  figure and a bunch of two other succubus

"HeLlo miss (Y/n),was it?..,i work for I.m.p.and it is actually rather important for us to retain the singular parking space we were signed because-" he was cut off by one of your female workers "awww,look at the little one,hes gotta wittle bowtie" she mocked him asif were talking to a baby

"please dont be mean to me,maam. I- "wanna kiss you little guy " this time a male incubus interupted him

"A kind oferr..but,im married-" "Hey, why dont you send a little message from me back to your Limp.dick.boss"you said and all of your silhouette turned into a horrying monster figure that only poor moxie can see behind the glass

Moxies screams and profanities can be heard  "aHH,DONT TOUCH THAT-" blitzo then ran towards the glass window "MOXIE,DONT LET HER HAVE ACCESS TO ANY OF YOUR HOLES" blitzo shouted

only for the door to be quickly  opened and shut by moxie as he panted heavily slowly returning back to the van covered with scratches and lipstick marks "i-..i gotta go lie down,now" moxie fainted before even reaching the elevator and that made blitzo rage

"oh,THIS WONT STAND"  he busted open the door to see you and your friends laughing "OI,#######"

"Thats it!,if your gonna be shitty to my imployee then i challenge you to a fuckin-.. CHALLENGE! fuck i said that twice" he slapped his forehead

"mmm..is this imp boy starting a demon duel?~" one of your friends with black to turquoise hair mused in your ear but also for everyone to hear as she pointed a finger at him

"I think he is!..Whats the game then,Blitz-O" you tauntingly said and crouched down to his level much like what you did back at the parking lot

"every year you STD spreaders  go up top five reasy  pickens while SPRING BREAK is a prime time for crime of all kinds..So i BET YOU SUCCUBITCHES cant FUCK as many people as we can off,by the end of the day"

after breif explanation you and your friends just burst into laugher. Is he really just saying that to a group of succubus' and incubis. Blitzo only glared harder

"oh,your serious,game on bitch.i cant wait to see your face as you hopelesly watch me     fuck  .your.  mom." you inched closely to his face. With a smirk and you knew it struck a nerve.

"Oh now youve done it,whore."

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