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apple said flinging stacks of cash

"What should we do with this?"kiki asked

"Dont know.we dont need those in hell.but if they"re valluable in  here then in that case"

"Where have i last seen that store again?.."


"You have got to be fucking kidding me" blitzo smashed his hand and head on a table

"they must have fucked more than christopher columbus could fuck that much manatees " he groaned

"well we could have just  settled this in a diffrent way" millie shrugged

"Like not fucking" moxie finished

"can you stop with the backlash,I SAID I GOT NO OTHER CHALLENGE IDEAS"

"Well if your gonna give up now,she'll surely win ur oh-so precious car parking  space" loona rolled her eyes

"Ur RIGHT,i cannot let that whore win my fucking parking space"

"alright,millie,moxie,loona.Time for another plan "

You scanned through the isles of many thigh high boots for atleast any occasion while you brought kiki,milky,apple and coco with you

to carry your bags,ofcourse .well they didnt mind tho

On your way towards  the exit,
You were approached by a broad-caster followed by lots of paparatzi

"miss mayday!,tell us how you feel being americas biggest pop star?,does it make u feel exited!?"

"are you able to perform once more??"



"Now now dont miss me too much,youll be seeing more from me" you ignored the last question winked at the cameras while they flashed desperately.

you walked with the girls out of the mall and
outside the mall with obvious paparatzi still following.

You were approaching your car untill you noticed a small commotion beside your pink car

"alright,prick.hand me all of your money.and no one here gets hurt"

a figure whos back was facing you was holding a knife against an old mans neck while the victim held his hands up slightly

now you would have ignored that and went off if it werent for that familiar voice

when you approached the car the girls sheilded you off from the cameras

"ehem" you coughed recieving the threats atttention

when they turned around your face scrunched up in shock and disgust

"Blitzo?!" you looked at him angrily
"what the fuck are you doing here?" t
your eyes glared at his. You didnt bother the fact that he was human

"to kill people,ofcourse." He answered
an an obvious tone

"well,fucker.this place is mine to finish off ,go fuck people in another place" you crossed your hands

"you dont own any place you barbie reject,the only place you own is back to rehab" he grinned

"Whatever.least im not begging for money from an old man,cant seem to slut off from that owls wallet?,how bout you go back to that circus and make money THEN talk back" you shot back

the said old man didnt know what to do at this point.seeing a pop star argue with a robber and possibly a killer in the side of his car. And so he just drove off to rethink his life choices.

blitzo seemed to be out of remarks anf narrowed his eyes at you  "whatever." He rolled his eyes and left

"Who was that?" kiki asked eyeing the retreating stranger suspiciously

the three other girls went inside the car after finally shooing the crowd away

"it was bitch-zo" you said putting a hand on your hips

"why is he here?"

"I was asking the same."

amongst the retreating crowd a group of students exited the mall and saw the pink car they assumed who belonged to the woman they were desperate to meet-up close

"DARN IT,I COULDNT COME CLOSER FROM ALL THOSE PEOPLE CLOGGING IN" denki cried and dropped to his knees. "Desperate idiot" bakugo rolled his eyes and slaped the back of denkis head "she could be 45 or something.."

"Shut the hell up ball sack hair no one asked for you to talk!" bakugo shouted

"its such a shame we didnt get to talk to her,well at the same time,she might be too busy to even have the time for students like up" uraraka took a sip from her smoothie

"well,maybe she may have time later?,who knows" jirou said

"Dunno,i hope she does,im really looking forward for an autograph" kirishima grinned sheepishly
(words: 762)

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