11- Sneaky Alphas and All

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        *Picture Reference: The picture of the cabin is the setting for the last scene of the chapter, so don't mind it for now.*

        **Quick A/N: Thank you for the feedback on whether or not the chapters should be long or short, I appreciate it. I will keep them quite lengthy and once a week, maybe twice if I am lucky with my time management. Which rarely happens... This is the longest chapter by far, hope you enjoy it and are having a good time during your spring break!**

        Elian's POV

        I never understood the television's portrayal of an awkward dinner with your significant others and your family members at the same time, until now. There were many wrong details at this dinner, beginning with the missing Alpha.

        After Kaspar and I finished with our intense spur of the moment kind of thing, we tried to straighten each other out to make it a little less unnoticable for it to be obvious that we were being sexual in my grandparents' home. When I reached the kitchen, the longest table I had ever seen was set up and everyone was already seated. As I took a seat next to the head of the table, Adrian, I could feel everyone's eyes on me. Kaspar took a seat next to me and my eyes rested upon the only empty chair, Kasey's chair.

        I just hope he is okay wherever he is at the moment, he didn't know where he was to begin with. To say in simpler words, I was not strong enough to endure the pain I would experience if anything had ever happened to him. Not to mention, that it would be because of me, I am the one that riled him up. I felt a large, warm hand envelope over my own underneath the table and on my lap.

        "Where is Kasey?" Iliana asked with concern etched on her face.

        Her question returned my state of mind to reality, "He decided that he was in desperate need of a run, to release his werewolf is all."

        She nodded slowly as if she could tell that I was slightly lying to her face. I swallowed sharply and waited for everyone to dig into their meals before I did. It was quiet at the table, quiet like no one actually heard what was going on earlier. I wish someone would address the matters, if I do, it seems like I am craving attention. For one, these past events were embarrassing to say the least.

        "Lord Elian, I have no means of snooping around but the fact that the Alphas are your mates is pretty evident. Can you confirm this so I am sure that this information is true?" One of my Fae warriors, Trace, asked. I knew that these questions would arise anyways, so I was at least prepared to some extent.

        I nodded, as I glanced at Kaspar with a smile, "Yes, the Alphas are my mates, but the matter of us staying as true mates will be difficult to figure out but I promise you that I will try my best."

        He nodded and returned to his meal, I decided that I would at least rethink my previous decision to decline to the mating of the Alphas and I. I had to at least give this a shot before I turned it down for not even trying.

        Even though, I was willing to reevaluate my possible solution to my problem, I decided to keep that to myself for now.

        "Are you delighted to have Elian as your true mate with Kasey?" Nikolai asked, definitely directing the question to Kaspar.

        Kaspar nodded, "Absolutely, I am honored to be mated to such a beautiful person, not only his physical appearance but his actions and kind words that always lifts others' spirits and I am sure that Kasey would agree fully with that statement."

        A heated blush rose to my cheeks as I stole a glance of Kaspar smiling down at me.

        "What about you, Elian? Are you happy to have two hotheaded Alphas as a mate?" Jasper asked as he smirked.

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