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"Oh my sweet, sweet girl," I hear my dad's voice.

"Daddy?" I ask with tears in my eyes.

"I'm here my sweet sweet girl," my dad smiles as he looks at me. "Wow! Look at my baby girl. She's all grown up now. You have kids and everything."

"Am I dead daddy?" I ask as tears stream down my face.

He shakes his head, "not yet my sweetie. You have the choice. You can stay here with me and your mother or go and love your life."

"Can I have a hug?" I cry.

He nods, "c'mere sweetie."

I hug him tightly as I sob into his chest taking in his scent, mint and pinecones. I don't know he always smelt like that, but did, "I'm so sorry daddy. I'm so sorry for letting you down after you passed. I know that's not what you wanted for me. I'm so so sorry daddy. I just-I miss you so much. I love you daddy. I love you so much."

He hugs me back, "oh my sweet girl, I know. I know it wasn't your fault. I don't blame you. It's funny your mother and I, we were arguing over who would come and help you choose if you want to stay or go, but I said no, my sweet girl needs me. You were always my sweet sweet girl, my baby, my angel, my princess, my everything. I told her you need your father and it would be way more effictive if your daddy helped you."

"You're right," I mumbled into his chest. "I love you dadddy. I miss you so much."

"I miss you too my sweet girl. You have no idea how hard it is to watch you suffer and not be able to be there for you. I love you too my sweets. Now, it's my job to show you what you're leaving behind though. This isn't all fun and games. I'm sorry me sweets."

"Wait Daddy!" I yell. "I don't want to see it! I can die! I wanna spend my times with you and mommy! Daddy I don't want to see it! Daddy please! Please don't make me do this! I don't want to see this! Daddy please!"

He grabs my shoulder to calm me down as I sob loudly yelling about how I don't want to see it, "my sweets, you gonna have to see it everyday if you choose to die. You're going to have to watch your funeral and see all the people you hurt. You have to see this in order to make the right choice and I can't blame you if you want to go back. You have a life to live down there. I promise you my sweets, you do."

I nod my head as the tears keep coming, but I try to wipe them away, "okay. I'll do it daddy, I'll do it for you."

He smiles, "I knew you would. Now, lets watch the fire works."

I look at my lifeless body in Dally's loving arms as he sobs, "no! No! No! Basil! No! You can't leave me! You can't leave me Basil, I need you! God dammit! I love you! I love you Basil! I need you to be here for me! You can't just leave me like this!" At this point his anger turns to sorrows and he just looks at me with this helpless look. "Lets go save my princess. I love you Basil."

He takes off running to the hospital and as he burst through the door he just screams hopelessly, "help! Help! Help me please! It's-It's my wife she got stabbed! Somebody please help me! I need help!"

A nurse comes rushing over to us grabbing me and putting me on a streacher, "what's her name?"

"Basil Leaf Winston," he replies as he cries loudly. They start wheeling me away leaving a sobbing Dallas Winston.

I turn to my dad with tears streaming down my face and all I can do is shake my head, "Dallas? I don't want to leave him. I love him and we've been on a break for like forever and I miss him and I just I love him so much."

He hugs me tightly, "I know my sweets. It's hard my sweets, but at least you get a choice. I just had to watch you suffer. You're brothers suffer. I had to watch you at those-those parties." At this point he was in tears. "I had to watch you loose youself. I had to watch you get kicked out of the house from Darry. I had to watch your brother suffer from loosing you. I hated it. I watched everything and it broke my heart knowing I did this to you."

"I don't want to watch that," I cry. "I don't want to leave you again either. I don't know what to do daddy. Help me. Help me please."

"Lets watch your brothers reactions," he suggests.

I shake my head, "I don't want to watch that. I can't watch that. Please daddy don't make me watch that."

"I'm so sorry my sweets," he cries as we turn to watch Sodapop, Ponyboy's, and Darry's reaction. I can't take this.

"Where's my baby sister?" I hear Darry's voice in a panic. "Basil Leaf Winston, does anybody know wh-" I watch as he walks past looking in to see my body. Beeep.....beeeep.....beeeep......beeep. It's steady. "She's in here guys."

I watch as my brothers all walk in crying, but Sodapop, he's a mess. I watch as he walks into the room, his reckless grin withered away into a hopeless frown. His happy, bright eyes are now sad and dull. He walks over to me placing his hand on my cold plae cheek, "gosh twinsy, where did the time go?" God his voice sounds so-so broken. "Look at you. You're here on your death bed with two kids and a husband.Then look at me, some jerk. Some jerk with no kids, working at the gas station for minimum wage with nothing to do with my life. You have so much more to live for and I'm so sorry this had to happen to you of all people. I love you Bay." 

Ponyboy my little brother walks over to the bed with tears running down his cheeks, "h-h-hey Ba-Ba-Basil. I-I-I....I love you.....Pl-Ple-plea-plea-sss-e don't l-l-leave me." That was all he could get out before breaking down in sobs next to a sobbing Sodapop.

Darry walks up to me and just look down at me as he cries. The only words he speaks are, "I'm so sorry Basil just know I do love you."

"So Bay, what' your choice?" He asks. "Or do you want to see me?"

I look at him in the eye with tears running down my cheeks this is the hardest decision of my life, but I know what I'm gonna do, "yes, I know what I'm gonna choose."

He smiles knowingly at me, "okay. Lets hear it."

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