The Talk

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"So..." I chuckle nervously.

He sits next to me, "I love you. I think that's a good start. I love you."

I smile weakly trying not to cry, "I love you too, but if it worth it?"

"Worth what?" Dally asks.

"Everything! Is it worth losing everything? Is it worth starting from scratch? I don't trust and I know you don't trust me because, I relasped and I slept with some smuk then I dated him. Everyhting we had is broken and we both know it," I say as a few tears fall from my eyes.

He wipes them away quickly, "true love will always win. I love you and you love me that's trueer than anything else."

"I don't know," I sigh. "I used to be so sure of everything, but now I'm not."

"Can we just try?" He asks.

I looked at him skeptically, "I don't know Dally. I think there's too much damage at this point. Maybe we should just get a divorce."

"No!" He yells. "We love each other and we will not get a divorce."

I sigh, "have you ever heard of two people who love each other getting a divorce? I know I haven't. I barly hear of divorces. We'd make news. The Winstons break up and Curtis is Curtis once again." I laugh a little making him laugh.

He punched my shoulder lightly before whining, "stoooop. This isn't supposed to be funny!"

I poke his cheks playfully, "you know you want to laugh. C'mon laugh. Dallas Winston wants to laugh wants to laugh wants to laugh, but he is a crank a crank a crank. C'mon you know you wanna. We all know you wanna." He finally starts laughing making me laugh even harder than I was before. "God! I love you."

He looks over to me still laughing, "god! I love you too."

I begin to laugh even more considering he kind of copied me, "do you really think we have more fight in us? I do."

He stops laughing and just smiles as he pecks my cheek, "I don't think we do, I know we do."

I bite my lip, "I'm willing to try again if you are, just one thing."

"Anything," he smiles.

"We have to redo our vows," I smile.

"I'd love that," he smiles as he pecks my lips.

The whole gang (now that Two-bit and Steve are finally out of jail) walk in cheering, "yay! Yay! Yay! The happy couple made up! Yay! Yay! Yay!"

I look over at the gang laughing, "and so did the gang. See we all worked it out, Yay! Yay! Yay!"

The rest of the gang joined in as we all cheered gleefully, "yay! Yay! Yay! Yay!"

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