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"What's the difference between Addison and Basil?" Micah asks as we wake up. I look over to his shirtless torso.

"Addison is a party girl who's dating you and Basil is a sweet little innocent helpless broken girl who just lost her parents and is dating Two-bit Mathews. Basil is a virgin, Addie isn't," I explain seductively before we start to make-out. I'm only wearing his shirt that just cover my butt. "Now where's my panties and bra? We seemed to of lost them last night."

"We lost more than just those last night," he winks.

I smack his bare chest lightly, "Micah!"

"Sorry Addie, but you know it," he pecks my lip which then of course leads us to a full blown make-out. "Can't you just have a few drinks, maybe a smoke before you leave?"

"My ass is already gonna get chewed out for not coming home last night," I sigh. "I'll see you tonight baby even if I have to sneak out the window. We'll get high and drink a little."

"Fall asleep maybe?" He winks.

I bend down making-out with him once again, "I'd say there's a good chance we're gonna go to bed together again."

"Bye hottie," he smacks my butt as I sway my hips back and forth walking out of the door.

I turn around winking at him, "bye sexy."

I walk out trying to find my clothing dodging drunk or high passed out bodies. I walk over to the fridge grabbing a beer, Darry will never know. I also grab some marijuana. After a few minutes I find my outfit which is a mini skirt, a crop top, and heels. I ignore who ever might see and start to change, but I feel a hand on my butt. I turn around to Micah standing there is only his boxers and I'm only in panties and a bra, "hey baby."

We start to make-out with my arms wrapped around his neck and his hand running through my already messy hair. As we pull away he looks at me, "do you really have to leave."

I quickly pull my skirt up and throw my shirt lazily on, "sorry Micah. I'll see you tonight. I promise sexy and we'll have fun." I put my shoes on quickly throwing my hair into a messy ponytail handing Micah my half full bottle of beer. "You can finish this if you want."

I rush out of the house and run to my house. It's still pretty early so I sneak in through the window and mess up my bed making it look like I was there. I quietly walk down stairs and into the bathroom brushing my teeth getting rid of the alcohol smell. I quickly take a shower scrubbing off the scent of the party. When I hop out I brush my hair then change into skinny jeans, a t-shirt, and converse. I run upstairs to put my party clothes in a hidden spot only to release Sodapop is on my floor, "fuck!"

Soda sits up quickly, "where were you last night Basil?"

I sit next to him, "please don't tell Darry."

"It depends," he says. "Where were you last night?"

I quickly think of a lie and put on a show. The waterworks start coming and I'm sobbing "un"uncontrollably, "I miss them so much Sodapop."

He hugs me tightly, "did you visit their grave again?"

"I had a nightmare and I really needed mommy," I lie as I sob. "I don't know what I was thinking. I was crying and scared and hurt. I know how much stress Darry and you have been under so I didn't want to wake you guys up. Ponyboy is so little he doesn't need to know what his sister is going through I'm supposed to be strong. I just, I don't know I went out the window. I was sobbing in front of mommy and daddy's grave and I don't know, I just kind of fell asleep. I'm so sorry Sodapop. I just didn't know what to do. Please don't tell Darry."

"You gotta stop doing that to yourself," he sighs as he kissing my head. "It isn't healthy Basil. We all miss them too, but we're here for you. We're gonna get through this as a family and I'm sorry I scared you. I just know it's hard for a young girl with no parents to stay on the right track and I'm worried about you. You haven't been yourself since they passed. Are you doing anything Basil, we can help you?"

"Sodapop, I've made a terrible mistake and I don't know what to do," I start finding the courage to tell him, but then looking into his big brown loving, broken, eyes and lose it all. "I went to a party the night they passed, but I didn't do anything. I'm so sorry. I haven't been back, but this guy tried to sleep with me. He's who the nightmares are about."

"What's his name?" He asks.

"Micah," I sigh. More lies, but whatever.

"What does he look like?" He asks. "I swear I'll kill him if I ever see him."

"I don't remember. He's not from around here and I don't know anything minus he tried to sleep with me and I'm really scared Sodapop," I cry. "I don't want to loose my virginity to him. I'm really scared. I don't know what to do and I never want to go back to one of those parties. They're evil. I just feel like I've let everybody down."

"No," he says as he holds back tears. "You didn't let anybody down. Are you sure you don't want to tell Darry? He can help you get though this."

I sniffle a little wipping away the tears, "no, he doesn't need anymore stress. I'll make it through it. Just please make sure Darry doesn't find out, I've been sneaking out. I know he would be angry even it if was just going to see mommy and daddy. I don't want to let him down. Can we please just keep it between us?"

He smiles slightly, "I promise."

"Can I have time alone?" I ask.

"Okay," he smiles. "I'll go start breakfast."

As he leaves I quickly stop the tears and do my make-up with one thought on my mind, sucker! I can't believe he fell for it. 


When the clock strikes eleven I scribble down a quick note, 'Sodapop, please don't worry about me. I just needed some air. I don't know if I'm gonna go to their graves or not, but I just need out. I need air. I'll be back soon. I love you. Thank you for being so understanding. We'll talk more tomorrow.-Basil'

I put on a leather bustier top that looks more like a bra and a tight, short, pencil, skirt that has three rips at each side. I also put on ten inch black wedges and sneak out. 

I walk to the party and just walk right in knowing Dez won't mind. As soon as I walk in Dez comes stumbling over to me and as soon as she gets to me there's a beer in one hand and marijuana in the other, "hey Addie! Are you ready to party?"

"Hell yeah!" I yell as I take a big hit of marijuana. "Where's Micah?"

"Upstairs waiting for you," she winks. "He's sooo high, but so am I." 

I smile as I open the door. I stumble over to Micah. I pounded about five bottles of beer before coming up and smokes two weeds. I sit on the other side of him pulling off my shoes and making out with him, but that doesn't last long.

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