Chapter 3

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Late that night, they went to get some fast food place dinner at a place called Spinners, which was like something right out of the 80s.

"I can't believe a place like this still exists." Callie said

"I can't believe we have to spend a whole summer in this heap." Trevor comments

Suddenly, Rex Salazar, a friend of the three, pulled up next to the two, with his motorbike based nanite build, the Rex Ride.

The Rex ride is an orange hover motorbike that Rex can form out of his lower legs. The vehicle can drive over any terrain and can go over 200 mph. Despite lacking wheels, the Rex ride is capable of driving up vertical loops and curves. 

"hey, Rex." Trevor says

"Hey, Trevor, my amigo, how's it going?" Rex responds

"Not that good." Trevor responds, rubbing his neck a little. "We just got evicted from our home in New York and have to stay basically the whole summer in some creepy old farmhouse we inherited."

"Rex, what brings you here?" Callie asks

"I've been set ton investigate some mysterious earthquakes going around town." Rex explained. "Providence haven't been able to identify the causes of the earthquakes. Plus, I figured I could get a job here to earn a quick buck."

Rex turned his Rex Ride back into his legs.

"Anyways, while i'm here, mind if I crash at where you guys are stayin?" Rex asked

"You can if you want." Callie responds. "we're staying at that old creepy farmhouse near the edge of town."

Rex nodded a little before going inside and applying for a job.

Lucky, one of the employees, a young African American female teen who worked there. skated over to a truck to take someone's order, Trevor thinking for a little.

"I'll be right back." Trevor comments, getting out of the car

Callie sighed before looking back at Phoebe.

"Hey, maybe you will make a friend out of here." Callie says

"Make them out of what?" Phoebe responded

"I'm serious. A new home could be an opportunity to start fresh." Callie says. "Just keep an open mind."

Meanwhile, in Spinners, as a record disc was slid into the jukebox, Trevor was writing something down wen a couple of the guys in the kitchen were goofing around and Lucky, the employee Trevor had seen outside, rolled over and had to deal with the two's shit. Rex had already finished his application and then ordered a drink and some food for himself.

"Cool place." Trevor comments, causing Lucky to turn around

"I don't own it." Lucky says

"I know you don't, you look a little young to own a business." Trevor says. "I saw the sign out front with the help wanted ad. I wanna see if I can land a job here."

Lucky went over to check Trevor's application form and read it over.

"Under 'Experience', you put friendly with a smiley face?" Lucky comments

"I don't really know what to put to be honest." Trevor says

"Not sure if friendly qualifies." Lucky comments, grabbing an order to deliver. "How old are you and Rex here, by the way?"

"I'm 17 and Rex is 16." Trevor responds. "Think you can put in a good word for me?"

"I'll tell them you have a pulse." Lucky responds

"Name's Trevor by the way." Trevor responds

Back outside, an old lady delivered some food to Callie.

"So where ya headed?" The old lady asks

"We're staying actually. You know that old farmhouse off the highway with the barn?" Callie asks as she put the food safely down. "The one that says 'DIRT'? It was my father's."

"Dirt farmer had a family??" The old lady questioned

"Well, he didn't really know us, doubt anyone here knew him either." Callie responds. "But i'm sure SOMEONE out there is gonna miss him."

The old lady shrugged a little before skating off as Trevor left the building and got back in the car and Rex got in the back next to Phoebe. Later that night, back at the house they were sort of forced to stay in, Rex was laying on the couch and Phoebe was in her bed, trying to read when suddenly the PKE Meter she found under the chair went off and the chess board fell over, causing her to sit up.

She went over and rose an eyebrow as she picked up the board and began placing the pieces back into place. When she was done and laid back down, she sighed. Meanwhile, Trevor was walking around outside in the yard.

He ended up walking into some bottles that were hanging off of a tree and rubbed his head a little.

He then walks into the barn and turned on his phone's flashlight, seeing something massive sitting under a tarp. however, his phone's flashlight went out when he tried to lift the tarp up far enough to see what was under it.

"Damnit..." Trevor comments

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