Chapter 13

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The next day, Trevor, Rex, Phoebe, Podcast, and Lucky were at Spinners, trying to piece things together.

"Okay, so what is exactly happening with the map?" Trevor asks as they rolled it out onto the table

"You see the concentric circles around the mountain?" Phoebe asks

Trevor rose an eyebrow and says, "Nnnno."

Phoebe rolled her eyes.

"Do you see the circles?" Phoebe asked

"Yes." Trevor answers

"Something big is happening inside that old mine." Phoebe stated

"So I did some digging on the word you guys heard at the mountain, 'Gozer'." Podcast says

"Gozer was a Sumerian god who once walked amongst the living." Phoebe added

"Pretty damn powerful deity, too. Aaaaaannndddd I think that whatever Gozer really is, it wants back." Podcast said

"Here??" Lucky questioned

"I know, right?" Podcast responds. "I would've picked Orlando."

"Does the name Ivo Shandor ring any bells to you guys?" Phoebe asked

"Ivo Shandor?? He built this whole town." Lucky responds. "The mine, the foundry, the school, the library, his name is on everything."

"Tacky." Trevor and Rex comment

Phoebe straightened her glasses.

"In New York, he built an apartment building made out of selenium girders mined from right here. That's where our grandfather fought to keep a horde of ghosts and extra Grimm from entering our dimension." Phoebe explained. "he also made some sort of mandala system to make himself a god himself but our grandfather also prevented that plan from happening as well even when he was one step away from doing it."

"Phoebe.....what exactly is happening here?" Trevor asks

Phoebe looked at her brother and says, "I can only think of one way for us to find out."

They then later found themselves going down the mineshaft elevator. And to break up the silence, Phoebe thought of a joke.

"So...what do a cigarette and a hamster have in common?" Phoebe asks

Everyone shrugged and Lucky asks, "What?"

"They're both completely harmless until you stick one in your mouth and light it on fire." Phoebe responded

Podcast snickered. When they reached the bottom, they all turned on their scroll's's flashlights and looked around, finding all sorts of statue work, and one massive statue.

"is that him?? Is that Gozer?" Trevor asks, looking at the massive statue

"Gozer isn't a he or she." Phoebe stated

"Pretty woke for 3000 BC." Lucky commented

Trevor looked around before saying, "Everyone watch your step."

Everyone turned and saw another hole.

"Another hole???" Phoebe questioned

"Sacrificial death pit." Podcast and Rex comment

"What were they sacrificing, though?" Phoebe questioned

"Probably virgins." Lucky  says, patting Trevor's back. "Tough luck for you, dude."

"Well, statistically, most teens under the age of 18 are virgins." Phoebe comments

Lucky sighed before saying, "I guess you're right."

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