Chapter 16

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When everything was said and done, all the proton packs ceased fire and Phoebe and Rex ran to the yard, but the three still living busters looked at their deceased friends's ghosts.

"I thought you two might turn up." Peter says

"I'm sorry...I'm sorry I didn't believe you." Ray comments

Egon smiled a little, forgiving them and Rafael patted their backs.

"Should have called." Winston says. "I miss you, my friends. Miss you a lot."

Rafael hugged each of them gently as Egon nodded.

Phoebe checked one of the traps but her hand jolted back when it sparked a little. That's when Callie ran over

"Are you okay??" Callie asks, hugging her daughter tightly. "Oh my god, you scared the shit out of me."

"Mom, I can't breathe." Phoebe comments

Peter walked over and kneeled down and Callie, Rex, and Phoebe looked at him.

"Hi there, Peter Venkman from the home office." Peter says. "Thanks for pitching in."

"You're welcome." Phoebe responds with a smile as her and Rex shook his hand

Peter looked to Callie and asks, "Who's that one?"

"Callie." Callie responds, shaking Peter's hand. "Callie Spengler."

"Spengler?? Weird name. Try to make the best of it though." Peter responded. "Alright, we're gonna have cocoa inside. He had a lab, he probably has a few hot cocoa machines."

Trevor got off the gunner seat and ran over to the fallen over Terror Dog statue,s busting one open to find Grooberson.

"Oh, hi." Trevor comments. "You okay?"

"Well, my hands hurt from all the galloping, but I think i'll manage." Grooberson responds

The other one began crumbling and Trevor ran over, busting it open and pulling Lucky out.

"Oh my god, I totally thought I lost you." Trevor comments

"Sorry about that." Lucky responded

Callie went over and got Grooberson out of the statue.

"Well, that was weird." Grooberson comments, before noticing he was bleeding. "Why am I bleeding??"

"Uh, you sorta headbutted a park bench." Callie responds

"Oh, yeah, right." Grooberson responds. "Back there, before we became dogs and opened the gates of hell, I think that maybe we..."

"Yeah, I think so too." Callie intercepts. "But then we saved the world."

"That's true." Grooberson responds

Podcast got out of the Ecto-1B, covered in marshmallow goop from all the Mini Pufts he killed and had to shake some off with his hand.

"Are you alright, son?" Ray asks as he walked over. "You just single handedly defeated an army of tiny yet strong manefistations of Gozer."

Podcast nodded before taking the Ecto-Goggles off and saying, "You've gotta be on my podcast."

"Sure, what's it called?" Ray responds

"Mystical Tales of the Unknown Universe." Podcast responds

"MTUU, that's you?" Ray says

"Wait, you're my subscriber?!???" Podcast comments

"It really did find it's voice in the 46th episode." Ray says

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