Chapter 14

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As the kids were on their way back to the dirt farm, a storm was a brewing above the mountian with the mine. When they got there, Callie ran in and saw Callie on the chair.

"Mom???" Phoebe asked as Podcast arrived

"There is no mom there is only Zuul...." Callie responded, the kids unaware she was possessed

Podcast and Phoebe looked at each other.

"Mom, are you okay???" Phoebe asks

Callie turned her head and her eyes were glowing red. That made it very clear that whatever Zuul is, it was inside of her.

"There is no mom there is only Zuul." Possessed Callie snarled

Just as Trevor. Rex, and Lucky got there, Possessed Callie turned hear head away and began breathing rapidly and heavily.

"What in the world is happening right now???" Trevor questioned

As they cautiously stepped closer to Callie, Trevor noticed the PKE Meter on the counter beeping and picking up a very strong signal. Possessed Callie snarled and grasped Rex's face.

"Are you the keymaster???" Possessed Callie asks

Rex was shaking a little, unsure how to answer.

"I d-don-don't know." Rex responds

"Mom, what is wrong with you???" Phoebe questioned

"Phoebe do something." Podcast pleaded in a whisper

Suddenly, when Trevor picked up the PKE, it went into some taser like mode which made the possessed Callie snarl and jump back, crouching behind the chair as she had let go of Rex and he stepped back. Suddenly, the town began shaking again.

However, inside the mine, Grooberson, possessed presumably by the keymaster, altered the aiming of one of the devices and destroyed a couple of the other ones. This allowed for ghosts of all kinds to come out and wreak havoc around Summerville as the shaking got worse and worse and inside the mine Phoebe and Podcast explored earlier, a temple ejected form the wall after the tarp got torn. The possessed Grooberson stepped out of the area.

Back at the farmhouse, the possessed Callie jumped out the window and they watched as she ran off towards the mountain.

"What...the going on??" Lucky questioned

Phoebe grabbed the PKE, put it back into it's standard mode and went outside, pulling some sort of cord out of the ground after digging lightly as everyone ran over.

"What is all this??" Podcast asks

"This...this isn't a's a trap." Phoebe comments

Rex rose an eyebrow.

"There isn't just one trap.....there's multiple." Rex comments, gesturing to several areas covering exactly identical cords. "Look."

At the mountain, the storm was getting worse and all around town, wind began picking up. The kids slid down into the underground lab and began grabbing things, each of them grabbing a jumpsuit and putting it on. Only one that had a name tag was the one with the Spengler name tag which was the one Phoebe grabbed. They then circled around a mini model of the farmhouse that also had the barn and the silos.

"This is what he had been working on for all those years." Phoebe stated. "He came here to finish what the original Ghostbusters started."

Lucky pieced some stuff together in her head and says, "To trap Gozer."

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