Chapter 4

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The next morning, when Phoebe woke up, one of the white pawns was moved forward a couple spaces. She couldn't have moved it since she was asleep right after putting all the pieces back on the board. So she put her glasses on after standing up.

"Come on, school starts soon!!" Callie called from downstairs

Phoebe moved a knight piece forward before walking off.

Later, they were on their way to school, well, Phoebe was and Trevor and Rex had gotten jobs at Spinners somehow.

"Hey, Phoebes, don't be scared to just start a conversation at school today." Callie says

"Are you kidding me?? That's horrible advice that's just setting her up for failure." Trevor responds before looking back at his sister. "How's the jokes coming along?"

Phoebe thought before saying, "Why should you never trust atoms?"

He shrugged a small bit.

"Because they make up everything." Phoebe adds

Trevor looked forward again and sighed as he and Rex got out of the car.

"You can drop me off here. See you later." Trevor says as he and Rex ran to Spinners

Later, at the school, Phoebe sighed.

"What's wrong now??" Callie comments. "You love school."

"I love LEARNING. This is a state sponsored work camp for delinquents." Phoebe responds

Callie rolled her eyes.

"Fine, you can help me scare asbestos out of the attic." Callie says

Phoebe rolls HER eyes.

"i'll take my chances with public education." Phoebe comments as she entered the school

Callie sighed before someone roughly around her age, an adult male with light facial hair in a T shirt and a handbag and he had brown hair

Callie sighed before someone roughly around her age, an adult male with light facial hair in a T shirt and a handbag and he had brown hair

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"You okay?" he asks

"Yeah, it's just her first time here. Can you imagine who they got teaching summer school?" Callie comments

"I can, I teach here." he responds. "And i'm gonna be straight with you, most the kids who work here aren't very bright in some way. I can get them to do most of what I want. Dream job."

In the classroom, the man walked in, pushing a TV connected to a VHS tape player into the room.

"Good morning, class. How's everybody doing today? I'm Mr. Grooberson." Grooberson says. "I know, you don't wanna be here, I don't wanna be here either. Now, apparently your school is still operating on VHS tapes. But, I found a gem in the teacher's lounge. It's a movie called 'Caijo'. It's about a rabid Labrador that goes on a rampage."

He put the tape into the player, hit play, and then walked into a side office. Then, a young male kid

"She sits outcast rejected by her piers. But what is her secret? Perhaps she's on the run. On the run....from herself." the kid comments into his mic. "Aaannnndddd go."

He turned the mic to Phoebe.

"Actually, my grandfather died. My mom says we're just here to pick through the rubble of his life." Phoebe says

"So you're here to uncover the mystery of his death?" The boy asks

"No. It was natural causes. Death enduced by a heart attack and stroke." Phoebe comments

"An invisible killer...." The boy comments quietly

"I'm...uh..Phoebe." Phoebe states

"Cool, i'm Podcast." Podcast responds

"Why are you called that?" Phoebe asks

"I call myself Podcast because of my podcast." Podcast responds

Meanwhile, at a hardware store in town, Callie was buying some things.

"You doin some paintin?" The cashier asks

"yeah." Callie responds, grabbing a paint roller

"Where about ya stayin?" The cashier asked

"That old apocalyptic ranch off of 99, was my father's place." Callie answers

"Dirt farmer had a family??" The cashier comments

"You ALL call him the dirt farmer??" Callie questions

"Meant nothing by it. Spent every week working a piece of land, but never seeding, never watering, never growing a ding-dang thing." The cashier responds as she began ringing up Callie's order. "Curious behavior. Great customer, though. He bought some weird shit."

"Sounds like him..." Callie responds

Meanwhile, back in school, the kids were still watching the horror movie when suddenly, the place began shaking. In his little office, Grooberson checked a pattern drawer and rose an eyebrow. By the time the earthquake had stopped, Phoebe had walked into Grooberson's office.

"What is this?" Phoebe comments

Grooberson looked over.

"Hello. Um, you know there's a highly entertaining movie about a killer dog happening right over there." Grooberson says, gesturing back to the classroom

Phoebe had her attention focused on a map.

"Is this a seismic map?" Phoebe asks

"Yes." Grooberson confirms. "How did you know that?"

"Cause it's a map of seismic activity." Phoebe stated. "You're a seismologist?"

"That seem so hard to believe?" Grooberson states

"Figured you for a football coach." Phoebe comments

"Oh. Um, thank you." Grooberson states

Phoebe looked at the drawings of seismic activity that Grooberson had.

"These don't look tectonic or volcanic." Phoebe comments

"Okay, smarty, check this out." Grooberson comments, walking over to a whiteboard and grabbing a marker. "This is a volcano. When it makes a shaking of the area around it., it looks like this." he adds, drawing the right pattern. "Looks like audio wavelengths in editing programs, but this is a tectonic earthquake." he added, drawing the pattern. "It's pattern is a little p wave followed by a large S wave."

"Yeah, i'm not an idiot." Phoebe comments

"Clearly. But this next pattern is the one in Summerville." Grooberson says, erasing the patterns and drawing the next pattern. "Large P wave, small s wave. Like an explosion."

"But where's it coming from?" Phoebe comments

"I don't know, i've set up geophones, but I can't triangulate." Grooberson responds

"Are you using three of them?" Phoebe asks

"Y-yes. I know how many sides there are in a triangle." Grooberson stated

"I just thought you were being obtuse." Phoebe stated, winking a little

Grooberson went silent for a few seconds before saying, "Was that a geometry joke? Is that why you winked?"

"Yes." Phoebe responds

"It was terrible-no, I loved it." Grooberson stated. "Somehow, a town that is nowhere near a tectonic plate, that has no underground volcanic activity, no fault lines, no fracking, no loud music shaking on a daily basis."

Phoebe looks over and with a deadpan expression on her face, she says, "Maybe it's the apocalypse."

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