Just a dream

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A/N: Izuku's POV unless said otherwise

I don't know where I was or what I was doing. There people with a bird mask all around me. However, they were all blurry to me. I was standing there in the hallways looking at everyone. It was as if I was a ghost, no one saw me and they were all walking into a direction.

???: The girl escaped.

???: Again! Who's fault is it this time!

???: But Sir, she is just a 4-year old kid! She won't get far!

The scenario started to blur out and then I saw the head of those people on a street, he had a mask on and gloves. He was walking over the street and a truck came speeding towards him. I watched him trying to use his quirk but the truck was too fast and the man inside was dead inside. I could see it. I saw it all.


I knew that I was screaming at the man and that there was no way for him to answer me at all. Everything went too fast and then everything changed again. I saw the group of people and the small kid.

???: For him!

???: Well do it for him!

???: We will make his dream come true!

After that everything was starting to get blurry again and I saw the white haired girl on a table screaming in pain and then her eyes... the glimmer in her eyes vanished and I saw and heard them declare her as dead.

It was at that moment that I woke up drenched in my own sweat. I knew very well what was going on but I hated it. It was my own quirk that showed me the future that will happen if I don't decided to change it. Every time I would go to sleep, my own quirk would activate on itself making me see this blurry dreams. Sometimes and it happiness from time to time that it also activates while I am wide awake. At these times, everything would look blurry to me and I would usually stop in mid track letting everything happen until it was over.

What was that....

Who was that....

I started thinking about the dream, no the future that I saw and one thing was for sure, in order for the kid to survive the guy had to survive too.

Which street was he....

Which date was it?

I closed my eyes and focused on what I saw. My memory was great and it was part of my quirk to be able to go back and see what I saw since it was stored in my memory. So this time I chose to deliberately go back to the truck incident and have a look around.

Okay here we go again!

There is this guy, let's just call him Pitch for now.

He definitely will die and he won't be able to use his quirk just in time.

Then this truck... the guy in the truck is dead...

A head wound?

So he was shot....

Okay a truck out of control ending up killing Pitch and then right into the KFC....

What bad luck this is...

Now let's see I need a date!

So is someone on the phone or are there newspapers or a clock on a wrist?


Ah there!

The people were all blurry but there was a paper on the ground carried by the wind. Walking over to it, I could see the Date Friday 13. this month and year. Then I started searching for a street sign but there was none. However there was this bookstore and a KFC right next to it. Weird combination but it would help finding the pace.

Opening my eyes once again, I went to my computer and opened google maps searching for the bookstore. I was lucky that there were not many of them in the country and only one had a KFC right next to it.

So this is the place!

And it's happening this Friday....

But the time is the thing...

I don't know when it will happen.

Judging from the sun in the sky it was around noon but when exactly?

I need to prevent this!

That poor girl!

It looked as if she was experimented on.

Should I go to a hero?

They wouldn't believe me anyways....

Who will believe a kid telling them they can see the future in their dreams and can't control what they see!

I have no proof what my quirk is.

And on paper I am still quirkless....

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