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Everything happened as I saw thing would happen and so we moved into a bigger appartment and my mom got a better position too. Now everything was going well exept for the fact that I was standing on the rooftop of my own school right now. I really needed a place to escape and so I came up here to be alone. 

Me: Stupid Bakugo! How dare you walk around? Come on who is even walking like a terrost around? Why did no one put you in a mental hospital until now?

I layed down with my feet dangeling off the rooftop not even thinking what I was doing and as I closed my eyes, I started to see another vision. It was Kai in a care driving past and then suddenly pulling by.

I wonder what he is doing here?


Hari: Excuse me?


Ahmm how about realx and chill!

I am not gonna jump or anything like this!

So calm down.

Hari: Where the fuck are you going?


I then watched him nearly jump out of the car sprinting at my school's door, screaming my name. It was not a minute later that I opened my eyes and heard his scream.

So now I don't only see the past but also the present?

Does that even make any sense?

Ah crap!

Now I need to tell him why I was up here...

There was absolutely no need to stand up or do anything at all and so when he arrived at the rooftop, I simly just sat up and went away from the edge.

Me: I never was about to jump. So you can calm down.


Me: Relaxing.

Kai: We are going to the hospital now.

Me: Why?

Kai: You asking me why when you have blood running down your face?

Me: I do? God that good for nothing Pomeranian again!

Kai: You have a dog?

Me: A rabid one.

Kai: THE FUCK?! Then get rid of it!

Me: Ohh that was just a joke. 

He raised an eyebrow at me and now it was clear that he didn't get the joke at all. Well now was the one thing I never had to do.... explain someone that a kid was bullying me and wished my death and all I do is calling him a rabid dog.

Me: Ahh it's just a nickname I gave to a classmate.

Kai: Why would anyone hurt you?

Me: Ahm I am quirkless on paper!

Kai: ... on paper.

Oh shit!

I made a slip up!

I never should have said on paper... ah damn!

Me: Well they didn't find a quirk on me.

Kai: You still have one don't you?

Me: Something like that.

Kai: Out with it!

Me: Well I sometimes just see the future but just bits and pieces.

Kai: Is that how you knew about the attack?

Me: yes....

Kai: Why did you save me and not tell anyone else?

Me: No one would've believed me in the first place. I tried it once. They ignored me. Tried it twice and they came there and things went more than just wrong. The third time I took things up myself and everything went fine.

Kai: Still you decided to save me why?

Me: Why not? You are a living being. Do I need anything more reason?

Kai: ... you sure are a strange one.

Me: Get that a lot.

Kai: Still let's go to the hospital.

Me: Nope. they will inform my mom and she will get worried and concerned not to mention mad at me. Uff she can be scary when she's mad.

Kai: Then I'll take you with me.

Me: That doesn't sound right.

Kai: It's either that or I'll call an ambulance on you.

Me: Until that comes in, I'll be gone. hahahaha

Kai: You sure are lively while being that injured.

Me: Well I'll rather be lively then dead for sure.

Kai: Not the time for joking like this.

Me: When not now when else then?

I took my things and then walked out with Kai following right after me. However out potitions quickly changed as he started to walk in front of me instead of behind me and this was also how I got into the car.

Hari: Ohhh... what in the fucking hell happened to you?

Me: I live and I just escaped hell. Does that answer it?

Kai: Don't ask. Get us home.

Hari: Yes, immediately.

Me: Take you time. There is no hurry.

The moment I said that I got a slap at the back of my head and immediately shut my lose mouth up. I wasn't very talkative sometimes and other times I would comment on everything just like right now.

Kai: Kid, how about you shut up and relx while we get there.

As we began driving I looked out of the window and while I was doing it, I suddenly saw everything blurry. Another vision but this time I saw a car driving into us. Our car was thrown out of its way and started to roll. I felt dizzy and nauseous and then as if that wasn't enough, I also saw us all burn. No one escaped it. It was a shocking wake-up call.


It honestly must have surprised him as he really just hit break. It was only a hair strain of an escape. 

Hari: This was close.

The car passed us and ran into the next building as I started screaming 'Go, Go, GO'. The reason was simple whoever was in that car sure wouldn't just accept this defeat.

Me: *sigh*

Kai: You saw it happen.

Me: Yes and we would have all died as the car would overthrow itself and then catch fire.

Kai: Do you feel the pain?

Me: Sometimes but right now I just feel dizzy. Wake me when we arive.

I was feeling dizzy and tired by now and so I quickly nodded off. Naturally my quirk couldn't let me alone but at least I saw my mom and her new environment. She looked happy and for that I was happy.

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