The answer and the way

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I was walking with Eri outside. Everything was so nice and the weather was good too. However we were not alone. Hari was with us just in case someone tried to attack me or Eri. We were a big family after all. In fact they were my second one.

Eri: Oni-chan! Can we eat some ice-cream?

Hari: I can watch over her.

I watched them be together and play on the playing ground as we were in the water flower park. We called it that way because there were a lot of lotus flowers around as well as the symbol on it on the playground.

The whole scenery shifted and all of the sudden things began to feel more lively. This was when everything stopped being blurry. I was standing in a super market and had three packages of ice cream in my hand.

Me: ....

All of the sudden a man touched my shoulder and I jumped looking back and seeing Sir Nighteye.

Nighteye: Are you okay?

Me: Ahm yeah....

I looked around me since I knew this was a vision and that was when he looked at me again.

Nighteye: You should watch your surrounding kid.

Me: Will do.

Then I started to walk passed him and our skin touched for a second. That was when he all of the sudden grabbed my hand and turned me around.

Nighteye: Who are you?

Me: What do you mean?

He looked very surprised and it didn't make any sense to me for a hero to suddenly act this way. It didn't make much sense to me that was when I suddenly realized a fact about him. He could see ones future by a touch. Since I however also see the future... he might not be able to see it at all.

Me: Can you please let go.

Nighteye: ...

Me: I am Izuku Midoriya my quirk is called Future-Sight.

It's a lie tho!

On paper I am quirkless and so I never gave it a name at all.

But I can see the future!

Nighteye: Is that so?

Me: Yes. I can see the future in my dreams... tho I can't control it.

Now I was looking down and acting more like a depressed kid. The hero let go of me and ruffled my hair.

Nighteye: If that is the case then find me if you ever need me.

Just like that he gave me his card and I looked at it. It was strange how he just believed me but I knew that he would check me up later.

Me: Sir! What would you do if a white-haired girl needs help because she is held captive by a plague doctor?

It was gambling but knowing what I did, chances where high he already knew about Eri and if I wanted to save them and gain his trust I needed to give him something to chew on.

Me: I mean what would you do if your information is wrong and she doesn't want to leave.

Nighteye: What to you know about her?

Me: I know what I saw. She was fighting back someone who could fight like All Might as well as walk through things. She cried and begged the heroes to stop.

Nighteye: Anything else?

Me: ... the plague doctor died.... she was crying over his death devasted.

Nighteye: Are you sure about it?

Me: Yes! It was so sad.

A tear fell down my own cheek just thinking about what happened. He came closer to me and looked me in my eyes.

Nighteye: Show me!

Me: I don't know how.

Nighteye: Are you not able to show others?

Me: Never tried but Sir, you can't either!

Nighteye: I knew someone who could.

Me: I guess I can try....

Nighteye: Just try remember what you saw.

He grabbed my hand and I closed my eyes. It was worth a try and he must have thought the same thing and so I did what he told me and focused on what I saw. He then let go all to sudden looking at me and I knew that he saw the same outcome. I managed to show it to him. Though this was all not real and I didn't had any proof if I succeeded or not in reality since I was in a vision myself.

Nighteye: .... this makes things difficult.

Me: Will you stilll go as planned?

Nighteye: No.

Me: Can you not let the kid be there?

Nightey: no.. unfortunately not.

Me: Why?

Nighteye: The kid is in danger being there.

Me: Then can you at least not kill all these people?

Nighteye: Don't worry about it kid.

That was the moment I woke up from the dream. It was still night but I had my answer and I knew the path I needed to go now.

I can't believe I am the missing piece to save them!

But after this they will survive!

I can make the heroes change their mind!

I can do it!

I have too!

This is my second family!

Kai did soo much for me!

He even cares for my mother!

She's not at home currently since Kai got her some time out from the job but she doesn't know that.

I hope she is happy and can relax a little bit in the spa-hotel she was sent to negotiate with members of Kai's organization.

It's not work work and meant to make her relax since she doesn't want too....

Hari really thought it through....

But mom, I know better than anyone else how stubborn you are!

I decided to go back to sleep and this time I saw my mom and how she was made to relax as the members were not taking time or even agreeing to face her yet with the excuse that if they are already here they might enjoy themselves first. My mom obviously did the same and enjoyed the hot springs and everything the hotel had to offer. I was no pervert if anyone thought that but seeing my mom happy and relax was a good thing plus she was never naked thankfully. Honestly, I didn't had any control over my own quirk, so I couldn't just see what I wanted to see.

Tho it was painfully obvious that my quirk was leading me to a better life for me, my mom, Eri and Kai. Oh and Hari too.

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