A cute little brother... just accept it!

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Kai's POV:

I really couldn't believe what happened and it was right after Izuku closed his eyes that he immediately drifted off to lala land.

Hari: Is he asleep?

Me: Yes.

Hari: I didn't wanted to say it earlier but that was the Black-Mambas logo on the front of the car whihc tried to run us over.

Me: Are you sure about that?

Hari: Positive.

Me: He saved out lives again.

Hari: Really scared me when he started shouting.

Me: I know. He also is looking quite pale.

Hari: No wonder when experienced the car accident.

Me: ... Warn the other that we have a guest and make the girl behave!

Hari: Already texted them when I saw you walking with him towards the car.

Me: Good.

We soon arrived at out home and Izuku looked sound asleep. I felt bad for needing to wake him up.

Hari: How about we drive for a little bit longer just a circle?

Me: Let's do that.

What a strange little brother I have...

Did I just think about him as a brother?

We don't even know each other that well....

Why would I think like that?

Very strange...

He saved us after all. Why not let him rest for a while? It was clearly written in his face. He needed to rest more than anything else. After just 5 minutes he woke up on his own and we were already close to the second time to out building. This time when we arrived he was awake and when we entered the building everyone was greeting us. It should have looked scary to the kid or any normal person but it looks like it was fucking normal to him. He just said hello, then introduced himself before walking towards the girl and petting her head.

I looked at Hari who couldn't believe what he was seeing too.

Is that kid casually just walking to a kid he never saw in his life while everyone is bowing to him?

Shouldn't that be.... I don't know strange for him?

Don't tell me he already saw this coming....

Still a future telling quirk...

Pretty rare these days and certainly dangerous in the wrong hands.

Not only did he save me twice in a short amount of time but he also isn't scared of us at all.

If he really can see the future...which I am positive then he certainly knows my name and who we are.

I wonder if he knows what we did to the girl and for what purpose...

That's not important for now.

I should get out healer on him.

Hari(whispering): One strange kid for sure...

He looked as if he enjoyed the company of the girl, so I had her brought over to my room where I called our healer to have a look at his wounds.

Time skip brought to you by Izuku being happy to have finally meet the small snowflake.

Izuku: See I told you I was fine.

Me: If you mean fine with a broken rib, some third-degree burns, open skin, bruises everywhere and scratches then yes you were totally fine.

Izuku: Nothing that couldn't heal over time.

Eri: Ahm it's bad tho.

Izuku: Ohh you cute little snowflake, I know it's bad but if you go through hell and back on daily basis then this gets normal.

Eri: What does go through hell and back mean?

Izuku: Experience something very very bad.

Eri: Bad?

Izuku: Yup like all the bandages you have.

Just like that he threw me a look I never saw anyone threw me. It was definitely threatening and intimidating.

Me: ....

Izuku: Well anyways.. Thanks for helping me out.

Me: You saved my lives today again. There is no need to thank me. This is the minimal I could do.

He seemed to like her...

He also definitely know about her blood and the experiments we do...


Why do I have the feeling that he will scold me?!

Izuku: I ahm... I know I have no right to ask this but can you treat her like a younger sister and not a prisoner? She is way to thin and scared.... Please.

Me: She will get treated better if that's what you want.

Izuku: Yes and call it even. If you treat her better than we are even.


Why do you want me to treat her better?

Calling us even if I treat someone else better... You know something!

Question is if you would tell me?

Should I ask?

No. I believe he would have said it to me if something was wrong.... No he wouldn't, who am I even kidding.

I know this kid for a short time and he for sure would never say something that would make others concern.

Me: Tell me why!

Izuku: Just do it for your life's sake.

Me: Do you mean that people will kill me if I don't treat her nice?

Izuku: That's what you said and who knows.

Me: Tell me what you know.

Izuku: Believe me, I would tell you everything but it's not safe and not something you should know.

It wasn't hard guessing what he was trying to tell me. It was if I were to stick my nose in it, I would change the future and right now it had only death for me. He saved me twice and when he was warning me just now, I already knew the meaning of it but now I knew it for sure. It was a matter of time till someone killed me and here the kid was trying to save my life.

Me: I understand in exchange you will be coming over every day playing with her and eating with me after school.

Izuku: Deal!

There was a reason behind my request. He was getting bullied and until my man find out who it is, I want to have a eye on his wound. If he as of only was missing one strain of here I would get the healer over and check him from head to toe. That was for sure.

After that little talk, I let him play with Eri and watched them. It was the first time I saw her smile like that and I knew that he was a nice bigger brother. By now I accepted the feelings I had towards him since he saved me twice and was trying to so a third time. So he was offically family now.

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