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I can't believe I am serving tea to the man that was just about to get killed. This was way too unbelievable. My mom looked okay though and so I started sppin on my tea while they were checking some fact with her. I was really exhausted and the tea in combination with that very exhaustion made me sleepy. As I looked into my tea everything started to get blurry.

...So not the time for a vision now....

Why now?!

Out of every time and place here and now?!

Gosh my quirk is really annoying!

The whole scenery in front of me changed. I saw my mom and the two people in a large apartment and my mom was nearly tearing up.

Inko: I can't accept this.

Hari: This is how we take care of our employees. We believe that if our employees are happy than they will work harder and repay for our kidness.

It sounded wrong but the appartment sure looked nice. Spacious and big was what popped up in my mind. Even on the side of luxury. As I was walking around looking everywhere I saw that our stuff were already moved in.

It really would be nice living here....

Kai: Izuku?!

I turned aorund but could still see my mom argue and then I heard Kai calling me again. Not soon after that I felt someone touch my shoulder and I snapped out of the vision. My mom wasn't here but Kai was the one touching me.

Me: Huh...

Kai: Are you okay? I've been calling your name for quite some time now?

Hari: Your mother just went to have a look at the food you started to make.

He must have seen me looking around trying to figure out where my mother was and then I realized why there were here. The new appartment and the vision showed me was proof enough for me to know that this was a better start in life. It also made sense now why there were here at all.

Me: ohh thank you.

Kai: You seem quite out of focus are you all right?

Me: Yeah. In fact I know that things will get better so thank you.

Kai: I haven't done anything yet.

Me: ...

Kai: Kid, you seem way to pale! You should visit a hospital.

Me: I am fine and don't tell my mother about what happened today. I don't want to worry her at all.

Hari: You should definitely worry abotu yourself kid.

Me: As I said. I am fine.

All of the sudden I felt a hand on my forehead and saw that Kai took of his glow and was touching me with the back of his hand. He didn't looked pleased at all.

Kai: You have fewer kid.

Me: Nothing to worry about.

Hari: It is.

That was when my mom came with the pot of food that I prepared to the table.

Inko: Izu why don't you get the table decked?

Hari: He-

Me: I'll do that.

I shot him a warning glance over. There was no need to alarm my mother at all. I had everything under controll after all. That was what I thought but the moment I stood up everything started spinning and I needed to hold onto the chair so I wouldn't collapse at all. It was Hari who stood up and went over to my side.

Hari: Kid, would it be okay for me to help out?

Me: Sure.

I smiled at him thankfully that he didn't question me in front of my mother and so I got a grip together and went to the kitchen with him.

Hari (whispering): I get that you don't want yout mother to be concerned about you but you need help.

Me (whispering): Never did and never will need it. I really appreciate what you two are doing and if you ever hurt my mom than I'll go after you two. Don't underestimate a kid.

Hari: hahahaha You have quite the spirit.

Me: You think so?

I grabbed th tablespoon and gave them to Hari as I took the plates and we both decked the table. Soon after that we all started eating. I really didn't account food for 4 people and so after we were done nothing was left. The portions I did were big so that I would have something to eat later but now nothing was left.

Kai and my mom were talking about her bio and what she could do as well as what she did in the past experience wise. All the while I was sitting there trying to relax and get my head together. Hari was watching over me and slided some pills over in a way my mom wouldn't see it. He then went ont mouthing "pain medics" to me. I gave him a smile and a node in return before taking them in. Time quickly passed and so the evening came to and end.

Kai: Thank you for having us here this evening.

Inko: No problem at all.

Me: ... Have a good evening.

Kai: Stay healthy kid!

He ruffled my head before they both went home.

Inko: Can you believe it? They are offering us a new home and a new higher position to me! I really hope they liked us and the diner.

Me: They did, don't worry. You are the best mom.

Inko: Owww you are so sweet.

Me: Trust me! I know it! You'll get the position and we get the new home.

Inko: Sure we will. 

If you knew...

Your own life will change mom... You will get a better job and we will get a better home too. There is no need to stick here!

I mean I love our home but... it's stuffy here.

I know you are unhappy here too.

Things will get better.

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