Chapter 7

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It had been a little over two weeks since Janet had gotten out of the hospital. She was staying with her mother until she felt safe enough to live alone again. Most of her siblings had taken some time from traveling to make sure she was safe until Rene was dealt with. Janet felt it was unnecessary but Katherine wanted to make sure that her baby was safe and protected. Janet was currently laying in her old bedroom looking blankly at the wall decorated with posters of various artists and bands that she loved deeply. She hugged tightly a small bear her grandmother gave her when she was a little girl. She thought it would be easier to move on from what happened but she couldn't. Her body felt like it weighed a ton and she found it hard to even lift her head. She knew what this was but she couldn't admit it to herself that she was depressed. Janet was pulled out of her thoughts by a knock on the door. She then heard the door open but she still didn't turn over. "Janet, babygirl."


"Janet, baby you gots to eat." Janet turned her head to see her mother standing with a tray of food.

"I'm not hungry, mother."

"Sweetie, you've barely eaten since you've been out of the hospital. Remember the doctor said you have to eat to build up strength for the show."

"I know." Katherine sat the tray on the bed and walked around to the other side.

"Then sit up and eat."

"Mother." Janet whined.

"Now baby, don't make me do you how I did you when you were sick."

"Fine." Janet slowly lifted her body and sat back on the headboard. Katherine went and sat on the other side and put the tray in front of Janet. She looked at the food her stomach instantly churned. Janet was very hungry but she just couldn't bring herself to eat. Katherine picked up the fork with some of the eggs on it and held it to Janet's mouth. She turned her head away and groaned.

"Janet, you have to eat." Janet shook her head and pushed the fork away. Katherine sighed and laid Janet's head on her shoulder. "Talk to me, baby."

"I don't know, Mother. I just can't seem to get better. My body feels better but I just can't seem to pull myself up. I feel like crying but I'm all cried out."

"I know, baby. I felt the same way when I found out your father was cheating on me." Katherine took Janet's face in her hands. "But I had to admit to myself that it hurt. Right now you don't want to admit that he did these things to you. You're trying to find some other reason as to why he did it instead of looking at the real one."

"What's that?"

"Janet, sweetie, he didn't love you. A person who loves you wouldn't have done that to you. Someone who loves does everything in their power to make sure that you are safe, secure, loved, and respected. They would never beat you like that and throw you down the stairs." Janet sat and listened to her mother's words. She let them sink in and finally admitted to herself the truth. In that moment she felt her heartbreak and stopped fighting the pain. She let her tears flow.

"Mommy, he really hurt me." Katherine put Janet's head on her chest and comforted her daughter.

"Let it out baby." Janet let go of the breath she had been holding and after she released it a sound came out of her that took Katherine by surprise. The sound turned into a loud cry and Janet couldn't stop it. After a few minutes her siblings came running in.

"What's going on! What happened!" asked Rebbie. Katherine looked at her other children and turned a little so they could see Janet. Instantly their hearts softened. They hated seeing their baby sister cry. She kept crying until she just couldn't anymore. They all sat with her until she stopped. When she stopped Rebbie brought her some tissue to clean her face. "How are you feeling?"

"I feel hurt, angry, sad, and surprisingly happy."

"Really?" asked Katherine.

"Yeah. I needed that. I've been holding on to that for too long. He killed my baby and he almost killed me. I just didn't want to believe that he didn't love me. I loved him so much. I was willing to do anything for him. But he wasn't willing to do anything for me."

"I'm proud of you baby. You're finally fighting for yourself again." Katherine hugged Janet close. "Now please, eat something. You need strength for your show." Just then Janet sprung up.
"Oh my god, the show. I need to call Roger. Where's my phone?" Everyone jumped up and looked for Janet's phone.

"I found it!" said Marlon.

"Great thanks." Janet quickly dialed Roger's number. "Come on pick up." After a few seconds Roger picked up. "'s me. When do I have to be in New York?.........Okay....okay. Here's what I need. I need you to figure out where they want us to stay and I need you to call the jet and have them get ready for the flight time...... .Okay I'll see you soon." Janet hung up and sat back on the bed.

"Okay so what's the word?" asked Rebbie.

"I have to be in New York by tonight so that we can practice for the show."

"Do you have your set list and all?"

"Yes ma'am. I haven't rehearsed it but I'm sure Tina will show me in enough time to run through it."

"Okay good."

"But I have to get ready to go. I'm leaving in a few hours." Janet began to get her stuff together. Luckily her clothes were here so she was able to pack quicker. It took her about an hour to shower, pack and wait for Joey to come get her. When he arrived he put her things in the car while Janet said bye to her family. "I love you, mother. Thank you so much for helping me."

"No problem, baby. Mommy will always be here for you. Now go have a good show. We'll be watching."

"Bye." Janet left out and made her way to the airport. When she got there, Roger was there waiting for her. They boarded the plane and waited for it to take off. Once the plane leveled, Janet went back into the plane bedroom and took a well needed nap. 

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