Chapter 39

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"Janet! Toni! Hurry up!" yelled Evelyn.

"We're coming! Jeez." said Janet. Evelyn was running around like a crazy person getting ready. Tonight was the night she was telling her children that she was seeing their father again. Katherine and Joseph were successful with theirs and that scared Evelyn even more. She was sitting on her bed, trying on different shoes. Katherine came and tried to calm her down.

"Evelyn. Evelyn! Calm down."

"Kathy, I can't. I'm conflicted. I love that man and forgave him but what if the children don't want him back? What if they hate me because I forgave him? What if they do forgive him? How are we going to operate as a family again? It's been so long. Maybe we should wait to do this."

"Evelyn, the wedding is next month. You wanted this so he could possibly be there."

"I know but..."

"No buts. It's time to rip off the bandage." Evelyn took a deep breath.

"Okay. I can do this."

"Yes you can."

"Are they ready yet?"

"No." Evelyn went to the bottom of the stairs and saw Janet and Toni making out against the wall. Janet was holding Toni up and they were going at it.

"Hey!" They jumped apart. "Can you guys not be freaky for two seconds?"

"Sorry mommy. Janet just showed me her new haircut and suit."

"God, you two are like horny teenagers. Grow up."

"For your information I turned 32 less than two months ago. So ha ha." said Janet.

"Just get ready."

"Fine, but baby I'm going to need you to help me with my dress." Toni gave Janet a knowing look.

"Sure. Anything for my baby."

"Uh uh. Kathy!" Katherine came into the room.


"Go upstairs and help Toni with her dress so the horny freaks don't get sidetracked." Katherine laughed and went upstairs. "Janet, get the kids ready and stop acting like a teenager."

"Oh my god, Mama E! You're ruining my life!" Janet stomped to the nursery. Evelyn just shook her head and went back to getting ready. She managed to get her clothes and shoes on. She was now working on her makeup.

"Okay, Toni's all dressed and Janet brought the kids down. Denim is watching over the babies as we speak."

"Where's Janet?"

"She went back up because she forgot something." Evelyn turned around quickly and stared at Katherine. "What?" Evelyn gave her a look. Finally it clicked for Katherine. "Oh, crap." The women quickly made their way upstairs, only to stop when they heard the noises.

"Yes! Harder Daddy!" They heard things getting knocked over and a series of moans.

"We're too late." The mothers went back downstairs and waited with the kids. It had been fifteen minutes.

"Grandma K. Where's Mommy and Mama?" asked Denim."

"They'll be down soon sweetie." Five minutes later, Janet and Toni came into the living room. "It's about time. Jeez."

"Whatever." said Janet as she picked up the car seats. Toni picked up Diezel and held Denim's hand as they went outside to the car. Janet had bought a bigger car so that Joey wouldn't have to come every time they wanted to go somewhere. They secured the kids into their carseats before their mothers got in. Janet held Toni's door open for her to get in before running to the driver's seat. As they drove, Janet kept her hand on Toni's thigh and slowly made her way higher, to the point that her hand was cupping Toni's pussy through her dress. She rubbed slowly as she drove before feeling a pop on her arm. She looked back and saw her mother and mama E with a stern face.

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