Itachi's story

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At the young age of 7 Itachi's mother died giving birth to his little brother Sasuke. Causing his father to fall into a deep depression resulting in him drinking to cope with the pain.

At around 11 Itachi's father would start to abuse his younger brother while Itachi was at school. Fugake would often "forget" to feed the boy as well. Itachi had to learn to cook, clean, and work since his father was unemployed. At around 14 Itachi was working a half time job to pay off the bills and dept of his father. And was apart of the anbu black ops.

Itachi would always stash away half of his paycheck for food and clothing since his father Fukage would take his money. One day Itachi came home to the screaming of his little brother.

Third person.
At around 4 in the morning Itachi opened the front door of his house after getting off work to hear nothing but screaming and yelling. He knew who was yelling it was his father.

"Its all your fault shes dead if you hadn't been born she would still be here!". "Im sorry im sorry please stop!". Itachi listened while running up to where they were. He made it to the door to Sasuke's room and all he could hear was punches being landed and screaming.

"DAD WHAT ARE YOU DOING" Itachi yelled while trying to open the door. Fugake replied while banging Sasuke's head against the wall. "Im sending your little brother to hell were he belongs for killing your mother" Itachi banged on the door but couldn't open it. He ran to the neighbors house and banged on the door. "Whats your problem kid its 4 in the morning." Itachi looked at the man with teary eyes and sobbed. "Please you have to help my father is tryng to kill my little brother" the mans wife ran outside and looked at her husband and then at Itachi. "Is that what all the screaming is about?" She asked. "Yes please I need help"

The man immediately ran towards the house and the woman ran to her neighbors for help leaving Itachi to fallow the man and show him the room his brother and father was in. The women's neighbors were doctors so she woke them up asking for help and then ran to the nearest police station.

The police and more doctors arrived after a few minutes and found the man holding down Itachi's father and doctors tending to sasuke. They immediately arrested Fugake and took Sasuke to the hospital.

At the hospital Itachi sat next to Sasuke while he laid in bed. "Do you know when he'll wake up?" He asked one of the nurses. "Ah yes he should be up in a few hours hes lucky there were doctors nearby he might not have made it." She replied in a cheery voice. Itachi just nodded a thanks.

A police officer walked into the doctors office. "May I speak the him alone miss." She asked the nurse. The nurse nodded and left and the cop sat down on the opposite side of Sasuke.

That's when all the pressure started. The questions drove him insane.
How long? How bad? When did he first draw blood? Had he used weapons? Etc etc.

After about an hour the questioning stopped and Itachi's energy was completely drained. That's what he thought when one last question caught his attention. "Has he ever sexually assaulted either of you?" Itachi looked up in horror and the police officer got her answer.

She stood to leave but remembered another question. "Has he ever tried to end your life if you refused to listen?" Itachi finally talked instead if nodding yes or no. "He...almost drown me a couple times." The officer was shocked by the fact he said a "couple times" and simple nodded and left.

After a few hours a nurse and police officer walked into the room were Itachi was sleeping next to his brother. They woke him up and asked what he would like to do about his father being in jail and there home situation.

"Id like to know the youngest age you can retire from the anbu and still make money at" the officer told him it was 16 for him at least with his skills.

Itachi stayed with the anbu and due to his skills retired at 16. After he retired he gave all of his saved up money to his brother and split the money from retirement so that half goes to him and half gets sent to Sasuke. He eventually meet up with a group of outcasts called the Akatsuki.

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