First place

403 15 1

Third person
It had never happened before. He had never pushed the memory of his brother back so much but narutos smile somehow made it easier to do. Since sasuke wanted to continue to hang out naruto had to think of where they could hang out at.

"So do you have anywhere else you'd like to take me during this beautiful day?" Sasuke questioned naruto making him slightly flustered. He thought for a second. "Actually I do." He replied as he began to drag sasuke through the village once more. He dragged sasuke all the way to the hokage rock. They were right above the heads of the hokages.

Naruto turned to sasuke. "Do you trust me?" He questioned. "Yes I do but why do you ask?" Sasuke questioned back. Out of no were naruto jumped pulling sasuke down with him. Sasuke screamed until they landed while naruto laughed. They landed on the tip of the second hokages hair. Naruto turned to sasuke and smiled. His smile made sasuke nervous. "Now the fun part." Sasuke gripped narutos hand even tighter. "What?" He questioned.

Naruto sat down, slightly pulling sasukes arm. "Out of all the hokage statues this one had more attention directed to it because the people who made it were scared of him and didn't want him to get angry." Sasuke finally sat down. "Ok and what does that have to do with anything?"

Naruto locked arms with sasuke as he scooted closer to the edge. "What are you doing?" They were both barely even on the edge anymore. "Ok now move some chakra to your feet so you don't fall." Sasuke did as told and began to look down. Naruto covered his eyes. "Its better not to look." Sasuke nodded. "Alright on the count of three were gonna slide"

"What!?" Sasuke questioned. "One. Two. Three!" They slid down the hokages hair, sasuke screaming barely keeping his chakra under control while naruto laughed. They made it down to the hokages head piece sasuke barely breathing right. Naruto laughed once more as sasuke collapsed. Once they were both sitting sasuke punched naruto slightly in the chest making him groan in slight pain. "You asshole." He stated.

Naruto chuckled. "You have to admit, it was kinda fun wasn't it?" Sasuke sighed before he relaxed slightly. "Under the right circumstances maybe it would be." Naruto smiled and pointed at the setting sun. It was beautiful in sasukes eyes. After the sun went down the two talked for a while. Then a loud boom was heard startling them both. "Its started." Naruto spoke.

Sasuke was confused. "What's started?" Naruto smiled and pointed at some fireworks that began to go off. "That." He stated. Sasuke enjoyed the fireworks but didn't know what they were for. Before he could even ask naruto answered. "Its for the hokages. Supposedly every ten years or so they set off fireworks on the days the hokages dyed and when they were born as well." Sasuke nodded. "Oh I remember I read about that."

They both relaxed and watched the fireworks together. A few seconds turned into minutes then to hours after a while the fireworks stopped and the two sat in a comfortable silence. After a few more minutes naruto leaned on sasuke and began to snore slightly. "Dobe." Sasuke stated. They stayed like that for hours until sasuke fell asleep to.

"Ow!" Naruto was hit in the head. "Ouch." Sasuke got hit next. "Good morning love birds kakashi-san is looking for you two." Iruka smiled. Naruto lit up once he saw iruka. "Hey iruka-sensei what does Kakashi-sensei need us for? Ooh is it another mission?"  Iruka smiled and nodded. "How have things been going with you two? Hm. Is this your dating spot?" Iruka questioned the two.

Sasuke stood up making naruto almost fall since he was leaning on him. "No. This wasn't a date." He looked away blushing slightly but hiding it immediately after. Naruto stood up and put his arm around sasukes neck. "It totally was. Anyways lets get going we don't wanna be late." He smiled cheerfully and dragged a flustered sasuke away to find Kakashi.

Iruka smiled at them and damn near screamed. "Yes. I knew that kid was gay ever since I saw his brother!" He jumped up in excitement. 'Hm im pretty sure Kakashi knew his brother before he ran away.' Iruka then made his way to the school. 'If I don't hurry I might be late.'

Naruto continued to drag sasuke away. "I wonder what type of mission we'll get. Maybe we'll get to protect someone again." He continued to ramble in excitement. Sasuke snorted at him and naruto stopped. "What's so funny huh?" He questioned, sasuke snorted again. "Nothing I just find it funny how excited you are we haven't even eaten breakfast nor changed since we woke up." Naruto made a confused face.

"Oh yeah. Your right we probably should change." He let go of sasukes arm. "I'll meet you there?" He said. Sasuke nodded. "Alright." They went there separate ways. Naruto made it home first. He changed quickly but skipped breakfast. Sasuke made it back home next. He changed his clothes multiple times and then got upset. "Bullshit." He threw some clothes on the floor.

"Ugh stop trying to empress him it's not going to work he's a dobe." He thought out loud. He found an outfit that satisfied him. He grabbed a snack bar and left. He walked through the empty part of the village and a wave of sadness overwhelmed him. He made it to the meeting spot to see sakura arguing with naruto. "I don't know what your up to but sasuke-kun is mine so you need to back off." Naruto chuckled. "What are you talking about?" He asked her.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2022 ⏰

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