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Third person
The waitress came back and sat there food down. "Heres your food boys. Anything else you need such as drinks." Sasuke looked at naruto as if to ask if there was enough money to get drinks. "Yes ill have a simple water. And you sasuke-kun." Sasuke still wasn't used to naruto calling him that so he blushed slightly. "Ill have the same thing please." He said with his head down.

The lady wrought down there drinks and walked back over to the other table with the tall blue man again. "Any refills sir." She said again looking towards the other male, again ignoring the blue male once more. "Yes please refills for both of us to go as well as the bill." That voice could it be. No impossible. But then again that would explain why he spat out his drink and hid.

Itachi pov
I need to get out of here as soon as possible. I didn't believe it when kisame said someone who looked like me walked in. I didn't believe it until I saw him I spat out my water and ducked down before he could see me. Kisame held in a laugh as I did so.

Third person
The waitress came back with two cups and put them down infront of them. "Im sorry but I forgot to ask if you wanted one bill or two." Itachi went to speak but kisame cut him off. "One bill please." The waitress nodded and left not wanting to get involved in any arguments. Itachi activated his sharingan and gave kisame a death stare before deactivating it and putting his head down.

Kisame let out a sigh as he thought itachi would argue with him but he guessed he was just tired. The lady came back with the bill and before she could hand it to kisame itachi yanked it out of her hand. "Thank you very much." He said calmly as he reached into his coat for his wallet. He stopped and glared at kisame not activating his sharingan. He held up itachis wallet and smiled as he pulled out his own and payed.

After paying they both sat for a minute. "Hide me when we walk past him please." Kisame nodded and they walked past sasuke with itachi on the other side of kisame.

Sasuke Pov
I watched as the two men left. I saw him. Thats his hair. His ponytail went side to side as he walked. "Sasuke-kun are you ok, you haven't even touched your food." I looked over to see a pouting naruto. I sat back down. "Sorry he just reminded me of my older brother."

Naruto frowned and then smiled. "Hm well maybe after were done eating we can ask around and see if it was really him, but you really shouldn't stress yourself over him he had his reasons for leaving didn't he and he left you money as well so you know he loves and misses you." It made me kinda mad he didn't know anything. "He killed my clan naruto." I stated. "Yeah well maybe he had a reason or was forced to you never know until you ask." I calmed down and directed my attention to the food. My mouth watered I hadn't eaten breakfast and this lunch looked like pure heaven to me.

Naruto Pov
Im not stupid I sensed him the second I walked in. His chakra was very similar to sasukes but much larger and stronger than his. It was his brother i could tell. Sasuke was obviously panicking so I was glad when he directed his attention to his food.

His mouth watered when he looked at his food. I couldn't help but giggle at him making him give me a glare. I scratched the back of my neck and smiled. He continued to eat as I looked at the ramen. It didn't look all that fancy but I tried it any ways. Hm it was almost as good as my favorite ramen from ichiraku it wasn't as good as it but it was a close second.

Third person
They both continued there meals with a little small talk here and there. After they were almost done there waiter came over to them and asked. "Are you ready to pay?" She leaned down slightly showing her chest to sasuke making him roll his eyes slightly. "Yes we are." Naruto states with a cheerful smile. She turned her attention to naruto with a shocked face obviously expecting sasuke to pay. "Ok will that be one check or two?" Before sasuke could answer and say two naruto spoke up. "One check please."

His cheerful smile was met with sasukes frown and a glare as he glared at naruto, naruto glared back keeping his smile. It was clear to the waitress who took who out today so she simply left to get the check. "Really only one check?" Sasuke kept his glare as he questioned him. "What this is my treat sasuke-kun." Sasuke who still wasn't used to naruto calling him sasuke-kun blushed at the name once more. "Whatever." He stated as he turned his head to the side to avoid him.

one week A Naruto X Sasuke Fanfic Also Includes Other ShipsWhere stories live. Discover now