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George was feeling pretty confident about the race as he happily greeted his team and made his way to the garage. After last night he is sure that he will end up at least in the top five and score some good points.

"Good luck today," Daniella smiled at him.

"You too Dani."

"Another podium Dani," Toto excitedly gave her a thumbs up.

She gave a small smile but since the morning she has been having a bad feeling, like the day isn't going to end well.

The race soon started and Daniella was once again leading but the Ferrari of Charles and Red Bull of Pierre was not far behind.

George on the other hand managed to go from P10 to P8 in five laps and is feeling pretty confident.

Daniella realized that something was wrong with the car just as Pierre was about to overtake her.

"I am losing power," she informed as she took a turn just as Pierre came close.

But only static was heard on the other side.

"Can you repeat that Dani?"

"I am losing power...."

Everyone gasped and stood up from their seat when the two leading cars collided.

Daniella's car went spinning off the track and hit the barricade, Pierre's car stopped in the middle of the track. Charles barely escaped the collision.

Within seconds the red flag was waved and the marshals went running to see if both.

It didn't take much time for Pierre to get out but Daniella was still in her car.

"Dani, can you hear me?" Nate asked, feeling very worried for the driver.

"What happened?" George asked.

"Umm It Daniella, she and Pierre had an accident," Toto informed him.

"Is she okay?" George panicked, praying that she is completely unharmed.

"Standby, we are checking. We actually lost contact with her."

Meanwhile, Daniella was finding it hard to move and each passing second felt like minutes. She tried to see what was going on but something was blocking her view.


"She is out of the car George," Toto came over to inform the only Mercedes driver qualified to race. 

"Is..is she okay? Is she hurt?" George asked. "Can I see her?"

"We don't know if she is hurt or not that's why we have sent her straight to the hospital," Toto tried to comfort the driver.

George nodded as he looked around. Everyone nearby was looking at them to hear of any news.

"With her and Pierre out you have a chance at the podium, try to get it," Toto patted his back. "Then we will go check up on her. She would want you to perform your best."

"And how is Pierre doing?"

"Oh he is fine but out of the race."

The rivalry between Mercedes and Red Bull is still there.


Daniella doesn't believe the pain killers are working as she can still feel pain in her ankle and neck, and with each passing second, the hospital room seems smaller and smaller.

A smile appeared on her face when she checked the race result, George did manage to get a podium and Charles won the race.

She put her phone down when the door opened.

"Hey, how are you doing?" Kevin walked in, the guy she briefly dated.

"Could be better," she gave a tired smile.

"Yeah, I saw the crash. I am surprised Pierre didn't receive any penalty," Kevin took a seat.

"It was not his fault Kevin. I was already losing power and it was all just bad timing, besides he was also out of the race," Daniella explained. "By the way, what are you doing here? Don't you have interviews to conduct?"

"I came to check up on my girl."

Daniella cringed at that. "I am not your girl Kevin."

Kevin opened his mouth to say something but he was interrupted as the door opened again.

Daniella smiled as George walked in.

"Sorry, is this a bad time? The nurse said I can come in," George looked at Daniella and Kevin.

"Yes." Kevin didn't look happy.

"No, come on in," Daniella invited him. "Kevin was just about to leave."

"I..I just got here," the reporter argued.

"And I appreciate that Kevin, but I need to rest," Daniella said sounding rude.

George automatically remembered the name and understood that it is the guy Daniella has been on dates with.

"Oh okay, so he is also leaving, right?" he pointed a George who realized the tension.

"Yeah, but first I need to talk to him something about the race, its confidential," Daniella replied.

George didn't like the growing anger in Kevin's face and went to stand by Daniella.

"Okay," Kevin glared at George and then at Daniella. "I will see you later."

The drivers watched as the reporter left the room, closing the door very loudly.

"Wow! You really have bad taste in men," George said to his teammate.

"We are no longer seeing each other," Daniella explained. "But I don't think he got the hint."

George shook his head and sat on the bed.

"How are you?" he finally asked, trying not to express how worried he was.

"I am okay..I think, just some pain in my neck and ankle. It's a good think we don't have any race for the next two weeks," Daniella replied. "But I think congratulations are in order," she gave a proud smile.

"Yeah, P2," George smiled. "All thanks to you."

"Why? Because I crashed?" Daniella joked.

"No no," he looked panicked. "Because you helped me."

"Relax," she laughed. "I was just kidding. You did really well today. Toto must be very happy."

"Yeah," George nodded. "It would have been better if we shared the podium."

" There are still a lot more races left George, I am sure we will share many podiums."


A/N: So Pierre made and appearance...and creepy Kev is back.

Also George worried about Dani.

Should I keep George as the only love interest or add another driver and make it a love triangle..like all my other stories?

Thoughts on this chapter?

I almost accidently posted this chapter in another story, only realized it when the chapter number didn't match..oops!

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