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George and Daniella sat far away from each other in the plane, as they were trying to their next destination. Both awkwardly tried to avoid each other in the morning, trying to pretend nothing happened between them. 

Daniella, who barely slept at all last night was trying hard to catch up on her sleep but Myra was going on and on about her wedding plans and arguing with Nate, her fiance about minor things. 

George had a clear view of his teammate and was sneaking glances, watching her struggling to keep her eyes closed. He too didn't sleep last night, whenever he tried to close his eyes and sleep his mind wandered back to how it felt when Daniella's lips gently brushed against his. Part of him was disappointed that they didn't actually kiss, but the other part was glad it didn't happen. Daniella has been emotionally vulnerable these past few days and he thinks that is the only reason why she was about to kiss him, he doesn't want it to happen like this. 

The arguments were getting too much so Daniella just decided to go and sit somewhere else. But when she stood up she noticed that the only seats available were near George, who looked away instantly. 

She sighed and went over there as she knew George would be quiet and let her sleep. 

"Can I sit here?" She politely pointed at the seat in front of George, not wanting to sit at the empty seat beside him or she might again end up resting her head on his shoulder. 

"Yeah…yeah sure," He gave a tight smile. 

Daniella returned the smile and took her seat, making herself comfortable. She noticed the bags under George's eyes, realizing he also didn't sleep last night. 

"You also didn't sleep last night huh?" Daniella pointed out. 

"No," George huffed and shook his head. "I tried but…you know…" He didn't finish the sentence, and the nod Daniella gave implied that she understood what he meant. 

"Well, I think it will be best if you have a serious talk and clear any confusion…not right now we both need to catch up on our sleep."

"I agree, besides this is not the right place to have the talk."


Daniella huffed as she ran her fingers through her hair, sitting in her hotel bed with her laptop opened. She got a formal text from her former team principal Christian Horner asking her to check her email. 

She let out a short laugh as she read the email. It was an offer for the second Red Bull seat for the next two years stating many promises and expectations. 

There is no way she is going to rejoin Red Bull Racing but it reminded her to talk about the contract extension that Toto is only mentioned in passing and there is no time like the present. 


"You know, I am the one who calls the meeting, not you," Toto shot the driver an amused look as he took his seat. 

"You won't complain about it once you read this," Daniella pushed her phone towards him. 

The amused look on Toto's face changed to curiosity and picked up the phone to read the email. His eyes went slightly wide as he scrolled through the email, reading every detail in it. 

Daniella just sat back with her arms crossed, patiently waiting. 

"So are you thinking about…" Toto cautiously looked at her. 


He let out a deep breath of relief. 

"How can you even think that I want to leave this team?" She shot him an offended look. 

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