03- "I miss..." who?! I dunno.

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*Ameerah *

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*Ameerah *

Last nights Dinner was just horrible! Horrible would definitely be an understatement!! For introverts like me, dinners like those could be as nasty as a cockroach, but no! a cockroach doesn't sting us yeah? Then maybe a big red ant or even a spider! From those humiliating notes hanging in the air to the bullying my cousins push me to, even though those bunch of cousins from the opposite gender know I'd rather be by myself they always help themselves in annoying me out, born amidst a bunch of boys my age and following the hijab I'd admit its very awkward during family gatherings , no one my age to hang out with except for them and id definitely rather not do that, like can't they mind there own business, it's not that I did do anything to them na?! Then why me?!

The question "Why me?!" lingers on my mind too often than I'd like.. even though I have the answer to it, it just doesn't cross my mind when the question does.. why me, coz Allah decreed so, He decided to test me out of the billions of people and shouldn't I be a grateful slave for that, with every test He sends my way He is just making me get more closer to Him and making me amongst His beloved ones, He is just raising my rank in the everlasting gardens of Jannah, wooaahh can anything beat that, Nopes!

I've always been the silent one amidst a crowd, but the naughtiest and the loudest my parents, brother and friends have ever seen. Well, i remember an aunt pointing out that i might be silent and just sitting in a corner not engaging in anything because I'm filled with pride in my soul. To what i know Mrs. Aunty whoever, Silence does not depict pride or arrogance, Rather Silence depicts wisdom beyond words.. and I've learnt it the hard way that, Keeping silent and ignoring the crap around you could actually save you from alot of havoc, and that You'd could always win with silence, For its a sunnah to remain silent..

I honestly don't understand why many people connect arrogance and pride with silence .. I'm someone who is pretty shy when infront of a crowd and you could barely see me talking to anyone, and i take quite long to adjust with a crowd, that doesnt depict that I'm very proud and arrogant, it tends to be pretty annoying when many people slap it over my parents face, just because there are many people who are forward, they should also know that there's always an opposite to almost everything!

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