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"Who is it from?" Molly questioned curiously as she watched her twin sons smirk at each other over the letter. She made a grab for the letter but the two boys jumped out of reach with scalding looks towards their mother and Arthur quickly appeased her saying that it was unlikely that it was anything dangerous, and it was probably just some mischievious scamp at the school. While that definitely did not ease her worries or fears, it did leave her grumbling before just giving up and not bothering to deal with it anymore, it was hopeless to try and remission the two.

It was not as though she had not tried. They were reckless at best. There was not much that she could do, and she had long since given up trying to get them to stop their acts against anything. It was hopeless, and there was definitely not anything that she could say that she had not tried already and failed to get through to their heads. She knew that they did not mean anything by it, of course, but it was just painful at times. She wanted to be able to reassure herself that Fred and George were going to become respectable members of society, but she could not. She was worried about their stability in the future. They did not seem to take schooling very seriously, and it was bound to leave the two in trouble once they graduated. She was terrified of what could happen when that happened. As it were, she had long since realized that there was nothing she could do, and perhaps it was not very motherly but she had also long since given up. There was no use in trying to argue with them about it and she got tired of the heated fights. So she really only shook her head as she watched the two scramble up the stairs. 

"It is alright, Molly, it was probably nothing." She just sighed, even if it was nothing, she supposed she just wondered where she had gone wrong with the two. She knew that perhaps there had to be something that she had done wrong, but for the life of her she just wanted to know what it was and she could not figure it out. She had to have gone somewhere wrong, and she dreaded the way that the two had turned out to be so lax and uncaring of what happens to them. 

"So, who is it from?" Fred asked George, bouncing lightly. "You have been talking to a fair amount of new people about different types of pranks, trying to recruit newbies." Fred just shrugged though, shaking his head. Though they had been speaking to new people trying to get alibis and bounce ideas off each other and other people, this was different. He had no idea who it was, but they obviously were requesting their opinions on something and it would be downright cruel to just refuse to respond. Their Owl was even waiting for them and everything. 

"It doesn't say, and I don't actually recognize the writing of whoever it is that, but either way they clearly want some ideas and really, George, who are we to deny them the pleasure of our fascinating brilliance?" Fred questioned leaving George to roll his eyes but eagerly slide up to him either way as they hunched over the letter curiously. The concept was rather interesting, they wanted something that screamed getting back at someone who is horribly agitating and keeps pestering them. They wanted to pester that person back. 

Fred and George had a few brilliant ideas regarding that, but they felt as though it was only appropriate to know how it was that they were being pestered, and what had been done, that way the prank that they would pull on whoever it was, would be more...direct. George snatched a quill and they swiftly wrote their question on the back of the letter that they were handed before folding it and tying it to the strange owl, who took off immediately and they watched as it soared out of their sight. 

"Do you have any idea who it could be?" George questioned, Fred gave a slight smirk. 

"Perhaps," He said with a smile. "There is a chance, and I do have a few guesses, I suppose, but it is nothing really concrete you know? Just some guesses, and who knows, perhaps I am horribly wrong, but I have a feeling..." Fred tapered off, humming to himself curiously.

"Well, share the information please!" George demanded, staring at his twin. He wanted to know, and while that perhaps was not the best way to go about it, it was Fred who had been doing most of the recruitment, even if it was less recruiting and more just idle talk of pranks. They had managed to befriend Jordan, and the teen was a riot on his own, the twins both loved him, but outside of Jordan they had not really bothered to talk to many people for too long, and so Fred not recognizing the writing was not exactly something that was really too shocking, but he was horribly curious. 

"Well, I think it is obvious that it is probably Slytherin, and that is why they did not actually sign it off, usually people sign off letters, especially the painfully formal Slytherin, but this time, nothing. So either they want, or need, to remain anonymous. Either way I suppose it does not really matter. We don't need to know who it is, and really the less information," 

"Probably the better." George finished nodding in agreement. 

The Slytherins would have to be in a bit of a predicament if they were actively trying to reach out to them, which meant it was likely that for both their own, and the Twins, relative safety and sanity, it was probably best not to pry more in to the identity of the person trying to reach out to them. If they wanted them to know, the Twins would know, and that was really that. They did not care too much, outside of just being curious. The most important part for them was wanting to see how things progressed. They were a big fan of well thought out pranks after all. 

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