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Draco stopped short just of getting to Tom. He just realized something more anxiety inducing. He would need to tell Draco about the punishment. It was just a slap, but he doubted that Tom would care too much about that, and would still insist upon knowing. Plus he had agreed to tell him when his father took his punishments to the physical level. He just worried this would mean that Tom would try and do something stupid. Tom did not seem like an overly rash person, but Draco knew that his father did not seem like that at the best of times either, and yet look at what he often did? It was dangerous to try and get in the way of things, he knew, and he had already promised, but that did not mean he had to like it.

Far slower than he had been walking before, Draco picked his way through the halls and into the library. He slowly opened the grand door, and slowly began to make his way to where Tom had been seated before his Father had come to take him to his office. He is unlikely to be pleased. Draco thought with growing dread. Not just because of the fact that I left abruptly, though that definitely will have something to do with it, but also because of the punishment, and I would bet once he knows what Father wanted to talk about that will merely increase his wrath. There was so many things that would definitely anger his betrothed, but Draco also knew that it was important that he know of them.

He had seen what miscommunication could do to a couple...and it was often enough that his father and mother argued about things just because his father had withheld important information. Draco did not want to argue with Tom like his father argued with his mother. They were betrothed, they were supposedly going to get married if the courtship went alright. He did not want to ruin things just because he was not willing to share some information. He understood that things were tense, and they would likely continue...but at this rate he wondered if his father would ever truly agree to his betrothal. It was unlikely, if this was how he was acting, and behind Grandfather's back.

"Back so soon I see," Tom stated, his voice blank, devoid of emotion. It made Draco shudder. He did not like feeling like he had to choose between his father and his soon to be husband. It was difficult enough just navigating his father, now knowing Tom was angry it was almost more than he could take. Still, he shoved down the feeling of overwhelming upset, and allowed himself to try and remain somewhat calm and rational. It would not do to have himself getting angry over stupid things. He needed to take things slow, and he had to figure out what he was supposed to tell Tom, or rather, how he was supposed to inform him.

"I did not mean to just leave, but you have to understand that Father..." Draco stopped as Tom lifted a hand, and exhaled a deep sigh. That definitely does not bode well. The thought flooded through Draco's mind before he was quite able to stop it, but it flooded by nonetheless. He felt his growing dread and anxiety begin to steadily increase, worry that Tom was going to do something stupid to him, now, rather than to his father. He had never really gotten the feeling that Tom would hit him, or hurt him in any way really, but he had rarely seen Tom act like this either, and it was growing difficult to simply stand, and not rush out of the room.

"I get it, your father called for you, and so you left with him." Draco felt a bit annoyed that Tom was simplifying the situation so easily and so readily. It was not just about that, and he was acting as though Draco had any choice in the matter, and Draco had learned quite early on that choices did not, in fact, apply to him when it came to Lucius. If anything, he had less choice and more strict obedience. It was why his insistence upon this betrothal was working against his father. Draco would continue to dread the potential consequences, because he knew that they were coming. Not yet, not with his grandfather around, but should he leave? It would not be difficult.

"It is not as easy as that," Draco whispered. "If I had not agreed to go with him, he would have simply dragged me from the room. It is an impolite display, and I did not wish for you to see that," Draco admitted quietly, feeling his shoulders slightly move forwards, as though trying to hide him, yet his posture remained upright and rigid.

"Does your father regularly drag you from rooms if you refuse to go with him?" Tom questioned, the tone coming across lightly, but Draco knew it was anything but.

"I do not typically give him reason to, but the few times that I have, then yes." Tom sighed, finally looking up from the book that he was reading, and staring at Draco, before his eyes began to cloud over.

"What exactly happened at this meeting with your father, Draco?"

"He had some concerns," Draco began...his voice hesitating and fading out.

"Concerns about what?"

"The betrothal, nothing more than what he has already claimed, but I again refused to speak further on the subject. Grandfather is the one who effectively controls the betrothals anyways, and he finds it a perfectly fine union, and as a result Father cannot really contest it. Not that he would dare say anything straight to his father, so he came to me in an attempt to convince me to break off the union. I refused again.,."

"And is that why I see the makings of a bruise lit upon your face?" Tom questioned, his body finally pulling itself up from the chair, tilting his head questioningly.

"No, it is not."

"Then what caused that?"

"I...spoke out of turn, and raised my voice..." Tom's eyes flashed red with anger, and Draco felt himself take an instinctual step backwards. "It is nothing to worry over," He began but Tom cut him off, grabbing his wrist and frog marching him out of the room.

This did not bode well...at all. 

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