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Abraxas was up to something. that much Tom could tell, but meeting his classmates, and seeing them grown up was incredibly unnerving. Something that he was not entirely sure that he could handle too much more of that. He had to settle himself down. It was rather unsettling to see people he had seen as sixteen, seventeen, or at max eighteen all but a few months ago, grown and settling into themselves and their status. Rodolphus had married. He cannot say it was too surprising that it was to a Black woman. The Lestrange and Black families have been desperate for some form of alliance to each other. Though...the fact that it was Bellatrix was rather interesting. Though he had not met Bellatrix, as she was born soon over his reign in Hogwarts, and therefore Tom would not know her, as he was still only a teenager, from her personality, he had to wonder how in the world such a matrimony happened between the two families. 

"Grandfather done carting you around?" Draco asked, almost the moment that he entered the circle of his friends. Tom gave a small smile and nodded gently. He had to admit that he was still not totally...comfortable with Draco's friends. Though he was good enough at playing otherwise. He would not be a Slytherin if he could not act. He just did them. He found them amicable, of course, but he did not care much to spend more time then necessary to cultivate relations. He was not stupid, he needed allies in this time period, and he did not have any. It would not be wise to throw away such an offer of alliance with others. Even if he had to deal with them for longer then he strictly would care to, he could do so. 

He had played games that lasted for far longer then a few months before, he could play this one, it would not be such a problem. It would benefit him later, of that he was certain. He would play these...people, He would garner their loyalty, and eventually, he would not have to worry too much about dealing with their ever sensitive feelings. They were from fairly prominent families as well, and as such it would simply not do to anger the heirs of said families. 

"Yes," Tom paused, hanging besides Draco, giving a tentative smile to the others in the group that was standing with the young Malfoy heir. "Apparently he had people that he wished me to meet. Though I am not entirely certain why exactly he thought it necessary." Tom admitted. Draco gave Tom a small smile, his countenance turning a bit softer.

"It is because he sees you as interesting. That can be a good thing, or a bad one. Not to worry, though," Draco continued rather hastily, upon seeing Tom cast a slightly worried looking expression on his face. "Nothing will happen." 

"Oh?" Tom asked, raising his eyebrows, and tilting his head slightly to the right. "How do you know that?"

"The people grandfather was introducing you to are close friends of his. He probably sees you as an asset, and wants to stake his claim." Tom straightened his eyes flaring angrily at the thought of such a notion. "Not to worry," Draco continued, backing just a half a step, fearful of the sudden overwhelming anger that Tom portrayed. "It is more for protection then anything else." Tom gave a small scoff. "I would not lie!" Draco said, hands held up slightly. Tom looked about the circle. He was attracting attention. 

"I..." Tom stopped. Making a show of pausing, and looking down. "I am sorry," He said gently, making his voice soft and almost breathless. "I just hate the idea of being owned." He admitted, clasping his hands in front of him, refusing to look anyone in the eyes. "The muggles I lived with they..." Tom sighed heavily, perhaps more so then necessary as he glanced away and seemed to struggle with his thoughts. "They were quite...cruel." Tom admitted. 

Though that much was true, they did not need to know that, and they most certainly did not need to know specifics. Tom was more powerful then any of the muggles, and once he wrestled with his magic enough to have some semblance of control, he had ensured they knew not to mess with him...ever again.  Pity was a powerful thing, however. Just as compassion and sympathy was. If he could play the part of traumatized orphan, it would definitely help his cause, and Tom was willing to do anything, even play vulnerable, if it put him at the top.

It worked, to some extent. The entire atmosphere had turned incredibly somber, and Draco seemed uncertain exactly what to say to change this. Tom could see the minds working within the teens, wondering what the connection between the muggles he lived with and being claimed was. He had to hide his smirk, still staring at the floor to make sure none of them saw it.

Perhaps the muggles at the orphanage were cruel, and they most certainly were, the adults as well as the children, but Tom did not need them to know how, he just needed them to wonder how. He needed them to think on it, and ponder...this would help him later, and he could pull that card practically at any point and time, and it always worked in his favour, but only if he played his cards right. Tom had to be careful. He was dealing with very prominent people, and very keen and observant people, as well as those who he had gone to school with. Unfortunately he did not have the wealth of memories of the life he had lived past his current age, which would cause some complications.

He would worry about that later. For now, he needed to be enough of himself that others questioned his ties to...his older self, but not enough they they thought something ridiculous, like his being reincarnated or something inane like that. This would work in his favour. Perhaps not now, but later on. While he most certainly did have legitimate issues with muggles, and trauma from his time in the orphanage, he was not going to divulge the true trauma, though he would leave crumbs, and allow these lovely slytherin toys to continue to grasp at them hungrily. 

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