Chapter 2: Make a new home a bit better

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It was late at night as we hear nothing but the sound of owls and other night animals in the nearby forest hunting for their prey while we cut to a large building which has light as we see Y/n finish all food while the rest of the girls also eat as she sat next to Mirei and Mamori as after she finish up her delicious good, she turns to the two and asked while they eat theirs.

Y/n: So let me guess this straight so that I can understand right. We're trapped here in this island because we have this type of virus that allow other girls to turn to weapons by getting them "turned on" and there is a large empire that is living in a castle and ruled by one male person I that castle?

Mamori: It may sounded hard to believe but it's true.

Y/n: Huh well that's one something I wasn't ready for when I woke up on a island. I was suspected to fight my way off this island.

Mamori: Well since you kinda made them mad I guess we have to.

Y/n: Well that's just perfect.

Mirei: Disbite your first time being here you've shown to know your skills in combat.

Y/n: (smirk) I've took part in many fighting lessons and kung fu while travelling around the world. If any guy wants to get near to this girl, they gonna get kicked.

Mirei just looks away and continues eating her food which Mamori tells her.

Mamori: Don't mind her, she's really nice and saved me a few times my first time being here.

Y/n: Really? How long have you been here?

Mamori: I've been here for three days and so dose Mirei.

Y/n: Huh and everyone else?

???: We've been here way longer before you, Mirei qnd Mamori came here.

Then a plate of frute set down on their table by Torino who give Y/n a kind smile while Y/n takes an apple and bites it.

Y/n: Mmm thanks for the fruit Torino.

Torino: (smile) Not at all and I gonna say we never have a Hybrid Liberator in our home.

Y/n: (smirk) Guess it's your lucky day then. Say if this is the island and you all  have the supplies, why cab you not make a boat and leave?

Torino: We can't. There is a large enegry feild that is surrounded the island qnd no one can't enter or leave this island.

Y/n: Then how did you girls get here?

Mirei: We were in pods that get through the enegry feild qnd once through we were set landing into shore.

Y/n: Guess that would explain why my head hurts a lot. Still do you mind tomorrow I'll go check out tusi engery feild and see if there is a weak point taht we can escape to?

Torino: Um sure I'll ask Meifon to come with you tomorrow.

Mirei: You know there is no way to get pass a large high tech enegry feild right?

Y/n: (smirk) Maybe so but if learn anything there has to be some power core or something to power this island up. I mean you said that castle has power right? Well ever thought where they get all that power from?

Mamori: Huh you have a point there.

Y/n: (smirk) Even if the shield is heavy protected there has to be something within this island to shut it down. If i know anything there has to be a top secret lab somewhere that scientists are watching us. That's how all movies plays out like Maz runner or Old.

Mirei: Fine do what ever you want but I assure you that it be pointless.

Y/n: (smirk) Whatever you say Mirei.

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