Chapter 7: You can trust me

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At the shores of the beach we see Y/n walking along the shore while she stare at the ocean as she scan around in hopes to find anything that might catch her eyes. After a while of walking she stood and stare at the ocean for a bit as she stare at the peaceful ocean for a bit and then picked up a flat rock from the ground.

She look at the rock and the ocean and then chuck the rock through the ocean as the rock skips along the ocean until it hits the dorm shield and sink into the bottom of the ocean.

Y/n: Hm seems that object such as rocks or anythings can't go through the shield. Whoever made this technology must be clever.

She then picked up another rock and was about to chuck it when suddenly she heard something behind her which she turns around and stare at whatever is in the forest.

He stare at it for a bit until the large robot came out of the bushes and land in front of her which she step back and was ready to fight it when Akira step out behind the robot which Y/n breaths in a sigh and tells him.

Y/n: Here I thought your robot friend was about to fight me there.

Akira: My apologies for the scare Y/n. Say have you seen both Aoi and Momoko?

Y/n: Nope. Why? Do they usually go to this area to relax?

Akira: Correct.

Y/n: Well I have been walking through the beach and didn't see anyone until you and your robot friend came.

Akira: It's Shuri.

Y/n: Huh.....looks cool. Still why are you looking for them?

Akira: You see I've sent then to scout deeper into the woods and in hopes to find something important. They were gone for 3 days so I've sent some searching party to look for them but they too never return. I came to this beach to see they are here but it seems they are not.

Y/n: Say isn't it not Charlotte's job or Kasumi?

Akira: That's correct but Charlotte is busy with some things while Kasumi is having a day off. I worry about them and who knows if they might be endanger. Maybe you can help me?

Y/n: You want me to search one of your troops? I mean I don't mind it just that they never seem to trust me due to the breaking and entering of their castle.

Akira: That is true but you are experienced with travelling and navigation through the forest right?

Y/n: Yep, that's right.

Akira: Then I'll trust that you will come back with the lost girls with you. Maybe we can find out what happened to them and hopefully they will be alright.

Y/n: Well I'll gather my gear and see if Mirei and Mamori will come.

Akira: I'm very much appreciate with it Y/n.

Y/n: (smile) No sweat it Akira. You know I'm starting to like you, your like the opposite to Charlotte.

Akira: (giggle) That's very kind of you. Good luck.

Once that Y/n heads back while Akira watches her leave as he smiles to himself while he thinks to herself.

Akira: (thought) She really is a cute person I have ever met.


Mamori: Absolutely not! No way!

We see Y/n, Mirei and Mamori at the front of their home as Y/n tells them about what happened and ask if she would come with her to the woods only for Mamori to refuse.

Y/n: What's wrong with you?

Mirei: She doesn't like the woods because she used to live in the city.

Y/n: Oh right I forgot about that.

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