Chapter 9: Made as a weapon (lemon)

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We see Akira in his office as he is sat on his desk and looking through the reports that has been happening throughout the castle. Soon he places the reports away and let's outba sigh as he sat there until he look over to see a picture of Y/n that he kept as he picked it up and look at the picture.

He let out a small smile when he heard a knock at his door so he put the picture away and called out.

Akira: Enter.

The door open and Kasumi step into the office as she apoorches Akira's desk.

Akira: (smile) Ah Kasumi, anything to report? Any news?

Kasumi: Nothing much, things have been quiet whoch is good.

Akira: (smile) Well I'm very glad for that.

Kasumi: Sir....can I ask you something?

Akira: (smile) Of course.

Kasumi: What do you see in Y/n? Charlotte finds her to be annoying and a pain due to her past actions when she first came to the island, but I wonder why you respect her disbite what she has done?

Akira: (smile) Well its simple. She has hope.

Kasumi: Hope? I don't understand.

Akira smiles a bit and leave hee chair and turn to stare at her window while she explains to Kasumi.

Akira: You know we all give up aboit leaving this island and returning back to our normal lives. We came here because of the virus we have inside of us, but disbite what little we're known to the virus until we were taking here, we were taking away and be sent to this island just to watch by whoever is watching us. Some did try to escape but with that engery shield in a way we can't escape. Soon we all give up. But.....I see something different about Y/n that is unlike any other girls. Not only she knows how to survive the wilds and bring trapped on a island but she have a strong will to escape no matter what others say.

Kasumi: Well we know she will give up soon right?

Akira: (smirk) Actually I've spotted her and Mamori heading to the beach and possibly finding something that can show that it maybe possible to escape. I see hope, determination and bravery within her. She'll do anything in her power to get all of us free no matter what.

Kasumi: I see.

Akira: (smile) You find her interesting do you?

Kasumi: (blush) Well I......she is a skilled person but.....Well.

Akira: (smile) I understand. We just need some faith and hope that she'll find a way to get all of us to leave this island. We just need to find hope.

Kasumi: I guess so. I will go now.

Akira: You may.

Then Kasumi leave and soon she closes Akira's door and then turn and walk off while we see Charlotte staring staring her while she just rolled her eyes and walked off.


Both Y/n and Mamori find themselves at what looks like a sewer tunnel sticking out from the ground and into the ocean. Y/n was the first to make her way over and peak inside to see nothing but there was an awful smell as Mamori walked over and then pitch her nose.

Mamori: Gross, this stinks.

Y/n: Yeah but it looks old, really old.

She step into the sewer and tap her knuckles into the sewer tunnel only to hear echos as Y/n said in interest.

Y/n: Whatever this tunnel leads us, must be something interesting or important.

Mamori: Yeah, say can we take a break?

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