Chapter 8: Thr Festival of beauty

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We see Meifon driving up her truck and arriving back home with boxes of supplies that she managed to get and once she parked her truck she place them onto the table while many girls gather around and they were amazed from the stuff that Meifon have gotten.

Meifon: (smile) Step right up and choose whatever cool stuff you can find! Come on don't be shy, have anything that instant you!

We see Y/n in front of the crowd as she look through the boxes and then pulled out a nice watch that still works.

Y/n: (smile) Sweet a still working watch. Now you can know what the time is while I'm working.

Mamori: Hey Y/n check this out!

She looked over to see Mamori hiking a cute keychain of a kitten which made Y/n smile and said to her.

Y/n: (smile) Hey that's very cute.

Mamori: I know right!

Then Y/n looked over to Mirei who is just stanidng there so Y/n called her.

Y/n: Yo Mirei, you wanna see what cool stuff Meifon brought?

Mirei: I'll pass.

Y/n: (smirk) Your loss.

Torino: (smile) You've brought in great stuff today Meifon, thank you very much.

Then Torino hugged Meifon while her face was on her breast while Y/n just smiled and then Meifon looks over to Y/n and ask.

Meifon: Hey Y/n can I borrow you a bit?

Y/n: Um sure what's up?

Meifon: Let's just say there is something you might be interested.

Y/n was a bit curious so the two were outside and then Meifon show her a poster which Y/n takes and looks at it while Meifon explain.

Meifon: (smile) Charlotte is throwing in a festival at the castle tomorrow and it looks like they gonna have a beat contest and who ever wins gets 50% supplies. That's like tones of supplies and I'm thinking, if we win this then we will have more stuff then we currently have right now!

Y/n: Huh so all we have to do is to enter this contest and who ever is more beauty is the winner right?

Meifon: (smile) That or sexxy but either way it's a win-win and I think you can enter.

Y/n: Why me?

Meifon: Well you have a nice body, a pretty face and your very much well know by those in the castle.

Y/n: Yeah but beauty contest is not my thing. You know how hard it is to try to dress up beauty only for the next person to be more beauty then the last one?

Meifon: Oh come on I will be fun, plus we can show those fancy Charlotte amd the other girls not to mess with us!

Y/n wasn't sure about this but after a while of thinking and Meifon begging Y/n to do it just this once, she let out a sigh and tell her.

Y/n: Fine I'll do it. Still we need something that will catch everyone's attention.

Meifon: Hhhmmmm I think I know one!

(Short while later)

We see the two at the storage room as Meifon is kneeling down and looking through the stuff of clothe as she throws them behind her while Y/n dodges the incoming flying clothes and moves beside her and ask.

Y/n: Are you sure you can find some clothes down here?

Meifon: (smile) Trust me girl, there is many clothes that we can use and if some are not then we make them better.

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