Chapter 6: A big problem (Lemon)

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A few days gave gone by and with many supplies they have gotten from the bunker that Y/n, Mirei, Mamori and Meifon have brought, they can make some very new upgrades around their place and now instead of just a building that housed 30 or 40 girls, it's now a small town with a gate at the entrance along with two watch towers at the entrance and all around the area for some protection.

Homes are also being build and they have managed to build only six houses so girls can sleep in. They chop down some trees and managed to make a stable and nice home. The main building is where they will store in any other supplies as well ad spar rooms for any girls that either rather wants to sleep in there or the houses isn't enough for all of it.

Syill we cut to Y/n, Mirei and Mamori at the cafeteria room and looking at the table fill with some positions or chemicals they have found at the bunker as Y/n picks up one and looks into it as she shakes it a bit and ask the two.

Y/n: Any idea what these potions do?

Mirei: No idea.

Mamori: Is it even safe to drink it?

Y/n: (smirk) You wanna take a sip?

Mamori: (nervous) N-No thank you please!

Y/n: (chuckle) Just kidding.

Then Torino enter the room and walks over to the trio and ask them.

Torino: Any idea what those chemicals can do?

Y/n: No idea. Either thid might be the cure for the A-virus and V-virus or it's the opposite of it.

Torino: Well is there anyway we can find out what they can do?

Y/n looks at the potion that is on her hand and she thinks about it and then pulls off the cap off and was about to drink it when Mirei grabs her arm and ask her.

Mirei: Are you sure this is a best idea? What if these potions will kill you?

Y/n: Well we can't leave them somewhere to br forgetting. We gonna know what they are and what they can do either it kills me or not....or turns me into a monster.

Mirei looks at Y/n for a bit and then she let's go and Mirei, Mamori and Torino steps back while Mirei warns Y/n.

Mirei: Hope you know what your doing.

Y/n: (smirk) One way to find out.

With a deep breath she takes a massive drink from the potion and once she is done she set down the empty class test tub onto the table and stood there for a bit to wait for something to happen.

After what seems like ten minutes nothing happens as Y/n pets on her body and sees there was nothing and turn to the rest and they too see there was nothing.

Y/n: Seems like I'm fine.

Mamori: Strange. Was it water you must have drank?

Y/n: No it tasted different to water. Anyways I'm gonna go and take a nap, night girls.

She then heads off to her room to get some sleep while the other girls look at each other and wonder what that potion dose to her. A while later we see Y/n sleeping in her bed peaceful when suddenly she groan a bit as he roll for a bit and suddenly her chest start to grow and bit while Y/n groan even more almost like there was something wrong with her body.

(Hours later)

Y/n slowly opens her eyes and slowly sat up from her bed and lend out a yawn while he straight her body and looks out from the window to see it was still day time.

Y/n: (thought) Must have fallen asleep for problem a short few hours. Oh well, I can take a shower and see what is happening with everybody else.

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