☆ Chapter 9 The Spring Dining Table

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The busyness of spring plowing at home made Rong Wan a lot of time to enter the space. Reading and farming have become two very important parts of her life. She was a bit impatient and calmed down a lot. In the future, her soft and quiet temperament has taken shape, maybe This is the extra reward that Space gives her.

She has now started to recite "Zeng Guang Xian Wen" and found that many catchy sayings are from this. People born in the late 80s or 90s can recite this book or know it. There are not many people.

It's hard to paint people and tigers, but they don't know the heart!

Beautiful or not, the village is in the middle of the water; if you are not relatives, you are from hometown.

Listening to your words is better than reading ten years.


These familiar words made it much less difficult for Rong Wan to recite, but she had already recited the book in two days. She is not a real young child, she has an adult mind, so when she recites, she can read the hidden meaning, the originally boring or even painful task makes her feel enjoyment, and she enjoys the joy of learning!

"Lao Rong's little girl is white and tender, with big eyes and clear eyes, she looks good!"

"Yeah, and very sensible, I know that I feel sorry for my elders when I'm just such a young age!"

"Old Rong's family really burns incense, grandchildren are a good one when they study, and this youngest girl shouldn't be much worse!"

The younger generations of the Rong family have become a topic of discussion among the villagers. Of course, there are sour talkers, but most of the villagers still feel envy and jealousy. Who doesn't want the children of the family to be sensible, filial and promising!

Mainly during spring plowing, the children of other people's family, who didn't go to school, were tossing around like a mud monkey. The children who went to school were crazy all over the world after school. It would be nice not to help. Let's take a look at the few of the Rong's family. After school, I will go home honestly. The adults will pull the weeds in the field and look for wild vegetables. They are very obedient to do it. Even the little baby who just walked in late walks obediently sitting on the ground and waiting without crying or making trouble.

Since Rong Wan's father and Rong mother stayed with Rong Wan to work, the skin monkeys of the Rong family have been much better-behaved recently. The main reason is that they rarely see the white and tender little dolls, like those in the New Year paintings, and they are dressed in western style. They couldn't help but leaned forward to poke and bump, and the little doll just looked at them with big black eyes, and laughed sweetly from time to time, which doubled their affection for Rong Wan. We must know that after my brothers and sisters were born, except howling and howling, they couldn't be bothered by it, let alone having fun together.

My sister's face and little hands were white, and they were too embarrassed to touch her with their dirty hands, so the little skin monkeys began to wash their hands frequently.

My sister's clothes were not dirty or torn at all, so when they went out to play, they knew that they had to protect their clothes, and they looked much more neatly dressed.

When the adults saw that the children were honest, they were naturally happy, and they always used Rongwan and her brothers as role models to scold the children.

"Look at Xiaoqi's older brothers, they are all in the top three in the class!"

"You see people help the family with work after school, and never go out to be naughty!"

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