☆ Chapter 63 Military Training Blood and Tears

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"You--" She Qianqian was so angry that her fingers were trembling, her eye circles were flushing, and tears flowed out. "How dare you say that to me!"

Yes, this one really considers himself an ancestor!

"What are you going to do this afternoon? Or let's go to the Imperial City. I came here once when I was a child, and I don't remember." Kuang Miao originally planned to persuade her, and ignored her existence after listening to She Xiqian's words. Turned to the suggestion. Before, she just thought She Qianqian was a little bit squeamish, but her father also solemnly asked them to take care of her, but she never thought she was so excessive. Since the family has money and don't want to live in a collective life, I just go out and live well. What's the matter if a dormitory person is upset in his heart.

"Um, I haven't packed up yet. I haven't bought toothpaste, soap, and towels yet." Guan Ju said helplessly. She wanted to go shopping, but she didn't buy the things that should be bought. How can she wash up at night if she doesn't buy them? . I knew she would not be independent and would not let her parents give it away. Look at her mess.

"I have to buy a quilt, or it won't be enough!" Huang Sang said.

"I, I have an appointment with my fellow villagers, so I won't go shopping with you." Han Qian whispered.

"I remember when you said that, I have to buy a thermos bottle, oh, I forgot to buy the washing powder." Kuang Miao patted his forehead abruptly.

In this way, except for She Qianqian and Han Qian, everyone unanimously decided to go out shopping and buy everything they should buy. She Xiqian stomped her feet with anger, but her roommates were not members of her family and would not unconditionally spoil her to accommodate her.

Waiting for Rongwan and the others to scan the goods in the supermarket near the school happened to ran into She Qianqian and Han Qian, She Qianqian looked very proud, while Han Qian was flushed and embarrassed, and she was carrying a bunch of things in her hand. .

"Even if some people are jealous of me and squeeze me out, what does it matter? I don't need someone to accompany me. Han Qian, go, I have to buy a shower gel!" She Qianqian rolled her eyes, grunted and snorted. He walked to the side with Han Qian, ignoring that Han Qian was carrying so many things in her hands.

"I didn't expect Han Qian to be willing to mix with her." Long Long said with emotion.

"Forget it, this is their choice." Huang Sang sighed, feeling a little uncomfortable in his heart.

Because of this episode, everyone was not so interested in shopping. After buying the things that should be bought, they went back to the dormitory together.

There was no dream all night. When I got up the next day, it was already bright, and my roommates were still asleep. It seemed that I was exhausted yesterday. She got up very carefully and took the basin to wash. When I came back from washing, I found that most of the roommates were awake, but they were still yawning, and two of them had dark circles under their eyes.

"Hurry up. If there is a meeting in Building 9 at 9 o'clock today," Rong Wan reminded him.

"What was the noise in the morning, it made people not sleep!" She Qianqian turned over abruptly, shouted angrily, and then covered her head with the towel.

"Cici, we are going to have a meeting today, get up quickly." Han Qian glanced at the others, and saw that no one wanted to take care of She Qianxi, she bit her scalp forward and dragged She Qianxi's towel and whispered.

"Go away, I'm so annoying, don't bother me to sleep!" She Xiqian's tone was even worse. When she said this, Han Qian's face turned blue and white, and she was no longer called She Xiqian.

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